After many years of report writing, publishing marketing books for small businesses and conducting numerous people oriented research projects for nonprofits and government agencies I have begun writing what I want to write. I am a survivor of narcissistic abuse and for 3 years I wrote almost exclusively about my experiences, observations and healing journey. I still write about those things on occasion.

I have been a business woman, a business owner and a working mother. I was a wife to a narcissist and am now a wife to a generous, kind man who doesn’t even know what conditional love is. My career spans marketing, journalism, research, training and sales. Throughout my career writing has been a key component. Most of the jobs I have held required me to collect information from a lot of different sources and then put it into a summarized actionable form – a proposal, report, speech, training program, article or book.

I have published 2 books on marketing for small businesses and in 2021 I published my first work of fiction Torture or Nurture, A Tale of Growing Up. Since March 2022 I have been writing articles on Medium. Today I write because I no longer have any doubt that I am supposed to. I invite you to join with me in this phase of my life where I can write what I want and need to write. A writer needs an audience and we must have feedback to survive. I am grateful to Medium for a place to write and I am delighted that I have you, an audience and source of feedback. You can see more about me, my history and my books at

Medium member since March 2022
Connect with JanetChristy


Writer, observer, narcissistic abuse survivor and a traditionalist thwarted by an internal rebel. Using my experiences to entertain, help and challenge others.