Week 4- TIL(Final Project)

Nikita Jangid
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


Building Your Web Resume or Portfolio Using HTML and W3Schools

In today’s digital age, having a compelling online presence is crucial, especially when it comes to showcasing our skills and experiences. One effective way to do this is by creating a web resume or portfolio. With HTML, the foundation of web development, and resources like W3Schools, we can craft a professional-looking online representation of ourselves that highlights our achievements and abilities. Let’s delve into how we can kickstart this journey:

Why Create a Web Resume or Portfolio?

  1. Showcase Your Skills: A web resume or portfolio allows you to exhibit your expertise in web development and design.
  2. Accessible Anywhere, Anytime: Unlike traditional paper resumes, your web portfolio can be accessed by anyone, anywhere with an internet connection.
  3. Stand Out from the Crowd: A well-designed online portfolio can set you apart from others in your field and leave a lasting impression on potential employers or clients.

Getting Started with HTML and W3Schools

1. Learn the Basics of HTML: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the backbone of web development. W3Schools offers comprehensive tutorials and examples for beginners to grasp the fundamentals of HTML. Start by learning about HTML elements, tags, attributes, and the overall structure of a web page.

2. Structure Your Resume: Before diving into coding, outline the sections you want to include in your web resume. Typical sections may include:

  • About Me
  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Skills
  • Projects
  • Contact Information

3. Design Your Portfolio: Utilize CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to enhance the visual appeal of your web resume. W3Schools provides extensive resources on CSS to help you style your portfolio according to your preferences. Experiment with colors, fonts, layouts, and responsive design to create a polished look.

4. Incorporate Interactivity: Add interactive elements to engage visitors and make your portfolio more dynamic. You can include:

  • Buttons for downloading your resume or contacting you
  • Image galleries showcasing your projects
  • Links to your social media profiles or GitHub repositories

5. Responsive Design: Ensure that your web resume is accessible and functional across various devices and screen sizes. Learn about responsive design techniques to adapt your portfolio to desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones seamlessly.

6. Test and Iterate: Regularly test your web resume on different browsers and devices to identify any issues or inconsistencies. Solicit feedback from peers or mentors and iterate on your design to improve its effectiveness.


By leveraging HTML and resources like W3Schools, you can create a compelling web resume or portfolio that effectively showcases your skills and experiences to the world. Remember to keep your portfolio updated with the latest information and continuously refine its design to reflect your growth as a professional. With dedication and creativity, your web portfolio can become a powerful tool for advancing your career in web development and beyond.

I have created my own web resume so please check it on GitHub Pages : https://nikita-jangid.github.io/resume.html

Also, I am sharing the screenshots here.

