
Kamal Jangir
5 min readApr 19, 2022

The dictionary meaning of spoon-feed is to feed with a spoon or provide (someone) with so much help or information that they do not need to think for themselves. Infants and toddlers are spoon-fed food and drinks by their mothers as they themselves cannot eat or drink on their own. But as they grow, they learn to feed themselves and after some time they do not need to be spoon-fed. Spoon-feeding is necessary for them initially but what if a child doesn’t learn to feed herself and solely depends on spoon-feeding. Will she survive?

The same applies for help or information. As the child starts going to school, she needs her teachers to spoon-feed her topics, concepts and theories of each subject. As an infant cannot eat her food on her own, she cannot learn the subjects on her own, she needs a teacher like an infant needs mother. If she learns whatever her teachers teach her and does not exert herself to learn besides her teachers teachings, the same question again pops up in mind, will she survive?

The answer to both of the above question is big NO. A child cannot depend on others to spoon-feed her forever. At some point of time, she has to be self-reliant, likewise she also has to acquire knowledge on her own after digesting fundamentals with the help of her teachers. A teacher cannot teach her everything. He can only spoon-feed basics of the subject. After getting familiarized with the basics, she has to deeply explore the subject on her own to gain expertise.

Humans require assistance only at first step to dive in something. The assistance at first step is called spoon-feeding. But if one is entirely dependent on spoon-feeding, then in the words of Forster:
“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.”
-E. M. Forster
Spoon-feeding beyond first stage is depriving one of the opportunity to think or act on one's own. There is always more to learn which is not possible through spoon-feeding.

In my teaching years, I observed that even students preparing for competitive exams crave for spoon-feeding. They fervently look for notes. But classroom teaching and notes are not enough to succeed. For example, no English teacher in the world can teach more than 5% of Noun. A maths teacher can only teach maximum 30-40 questions of Ratio and Proportion in classroom. It's student's duty to solve more than 1000 questions of Ratio and Proportion on her own after learning 30-40 questions in classroom from the teacher. It's her duty to learn Noun on her own from 20 different grammar books after learning the basics of Noun from the teacher in classroom. A maths teacher cannot solve 1000 questions of Ratio and Proportion and an English teacher cannot teach Noun from 20 grammar books in classroom.

In school and college years, syllabus is limited therefore students learn by rote and cramming and get good marks in exams. Teachers cover the whole syllabus easily as it is limited and students diligently learn the same and pass the exams with flying covers and there never seems the necessity to go beyond spoon-feeding. They become confident that they are good at each subject but in reality the pernicious habit of spoon-feeding is so deeply ingrained in them unknowingly that they find it impossible to unshackle themselves from it later on in their life.

When they join coaching institute for preparing UPSC, Bank, Railway, SSC or any other competitive exams, they continue their habit of spoon-feeding and sedulously learn classroom teachings and from the notes only to fail miserably in exams. Only those students get job who solve thousands of questions of Time and Work, SI & CI, Ratio and Proportion etc on their own after learning basics of these topics in classroom. The same applies to other subjects.

Learning is infinite and a never ending process. Spoon-feeding can only provide limited learnings. A Chinese proverb justifies it as:

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

If the proverb is applied to a student it means once she learns to learn for herself without a teacher holding her hand and develops confidence in her own learning, she can enjoy the learning process and become independent-lifelong learner which is perquisite to achieve greatness. Dependence on spoon-feeding is harmful to career prospects. It creates laziness and robes her of ingenuity.

Simply saying, don’t ever depend on spoon-feeding. Only use it to climb the first step of the ladder, thereafter endeavour yourself to climb the other steps of the ladder on your own. This process is physically and emotionally taxing, rigorous and challenging, nonetheless you have to follow this arduous journey as this is rewarding while spoon-feeding will take you nowhere.

In big institutions like IIMs and IITs, students are divided in small groups. Teachers never taught them everything. They are encouraged to learn by themselves by sharing, discussing and helping each other in the group. The habit of self-learning is instilled in them and that is why they standout and make a big difference in the world.

Spoon-feeding is not wholly bad. It is required at first step. A baby cannot walk on her own. At first, she needs her parent to hold her hand and walk her but she cannot walk a long distance with her parent holding her hand forget running. The assistance at first step is provided only to teach and prepare her to walk long miles. She cannot run while her parent holding her hand. She can run only on her own. The same applies in learning. Ingrain in your child the habit of self-learning at the beginning and if she develops it, be assured she will be outstanding in her chosen filed and make you proud of herself.

