One Question That Will Help you Overcome Fear

How to overcome your fears?

Jani Konjedic
3 min readJun 21, 2022
Photo by Jaqueline Fritz on Unsplash

Fear can be a very limiting factor.

Often fear distorts our perception of reality and forces us to believe in something that is actually not true, which negatively affects our perception of reality, our thinking, choices and behaviors.

Most of the time, fear is rooted in memory of past traumatic and stressful events and triggers the amygdala to take over the control of our mind.

We all have fears that negatively affect us.

My fear is about burning out. I recently found myself in rough seas, paddling in the waves of anxiety and fear afraid that I’m on the edge of burnout. Then I got still, breathed slowly and slowly released the tension and melted away the fear and anxiety.

Then I remembered a question that had already helped me to overcome and move through the fear in the past:

“What would I do and how would I behave if I didn’t have the fear of burning out?”

This question helped me realize that I should focus on what I can control and act according to that.

That night I made myself some tea, I released some tension from my body with stretching and yoga, took my supplements (a double dose of CBD, please!), journaled, got a good night sleep and wake up well rested.

This insight and realization that night brought me peace and relieved me of my anxiety and fear of burning out.

So when you find yourself paralysed by the fear, ask yourself this series of questions:

“What would I do and how would I behave if I didn’t have the fear of _____? What are the things I know I should do and how I know I should act but I don’t because I’m afraid?”

When you move through the fear, you can look at things from a different, more clear perspective, and you can start making steps towards your goals.

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Love and take care of yourself, forget about worries and enjoy life!

~ Jani



Jani Konjedic

Health and wellness enthusiast writing about burnout, lifestyle, nutrition and history.