Things To Keep In Mind Before Buying A Water Softener

Janice Cook
3 min readMar 12, 2018


There is no doubt that water softener systems have a capacity to enhance the quality of life of people. These systems are very beneficial for homeowners where hard water is common. So, it becomes crucial to have one at the home so as to prevent the effects of hard water.

If you are planning to get the water softener for your home, then you must know about few things before you make an investment. But, before you move on, you might be interested in knowing what exactly hard water is! It is the water that has ample minerals like calcium as well as magnesium carbonates. Dive in to know more.

What makes water hard?

You know well that hard water consists of high amount of minerals. These minerals are limestone, chalk, and marble. Water becomes hard when it passes through these rock deposits because it picks up few pieces when it travels through a watershed to the municipal water supply. Calcium carbonate present in water makes it hard when it is heated.

The major concern of hard water is not with the health but with the daily nuisance. When not treated on time, it can lead to a big problem. So, here come the things that should know before buying a right and best water softener for your home.

Size of water softener

The foremost thing is to determine the amount of water that needs to be softened. This is extremely important when it comes to investing in the system as by doing so you will be able to decide the size of the system you need for your home.

Generally, a person uses about 80 gallons of water each day. If you are family of five, then you can just multiply 80 and 5 in order to calculate your family’s water usage capacity.

Level of hardness in water

It is, again crucial to ponder on the hardness level of water before picking a water softener. The reason being, there are chances of consuming more salt water when you invest in a softener based on the amount of hard water used in your home.

Types of water softeners systems

There are numerous types of water softeners available in the market. But, ion-exchange or cation-exchange systems are pretty common. You can also look for water softener reviews over the internet as it will help you in picking the best one for your home.

Well, for the people who are concerned about the salt intake, they can go for salt-free water softener. This unit will prevent minerals from being deposited to the surface of pipes and other water-using appliances. On the other hand, if you live in such area where water is hard or if your family is large, then dual-tank water softener system will be the perfect unit for you.

Buy or lease?

So, you need a water softener but wondering whether to buy or lease the unit! Well, a standard water softener will cost you from $500 to $2500. Although it is expensive, it’s worth buying! But, if you can’t own it, then you can lease it for a short duration of time.

Deciding the company

If you have decided for investing in a water softener and also have selected a unit, then it’s a time to gather some details about the companies that are selling those kinds of units. Also, make sure to check whether the water softener you have chosen is certified by testing company (NSF International certified) or not.


These are some considerations when it comes to deciding the type of water softener to buy. When you have checked all these points, the only thing you are left with is to get it install. For that, you just need to seek professional who can do this task efficiently.



Janice Cook

As a seasoned writer, I aim to inspire & engage my audience with well-crafted words. Follow me for #writingtips #creativity #storytelling & more. #mediumwriter