
Even your title carries so much emotion with it Jones’s PJ. Beautifully moving and hits the heart in all the right spots. I was abused growing up and then into a marriage but have been blessed to know a great deal of love in my life. I feel I understand as much as one can, your thoughts on this amazing piece of writing. During my childhood I wondered what love was. The depth of your expression takes my breath away.
I believe as we work to heal ourselves and utilize the power of Christ’s atonement within our lives that even the past can be healed and they can know love.
I love this work of yours. It stirs remembrances and penetrates deep within my heart. Thank you so much for this creation Jones JP💖💖💖



Janice Osei-Boamah

I love the written word. Putting words together brings hope, clarity, and inspiration to me. I hope these words give something to you for your journey.