I’m Sorry, Mom

Janice Osei-Boamah
8 min readAug 8, 2023

My mom is 91 years old.

Growing up, I never saw her as having a great sense of humor, but it has been some time now since she has become quite the comedian in our family. Her take on things is pretty hilarious. She has a sharp wit, and I’m at a loss how she came by it.

Does aging bring on new talents and skills?

Her personality has gotten quirky.

She worries over a lot of funny things.

The assisted living place where she lives had an accidental fire alarm. She called it a fake alarm and told me, “I was in the bathroom where I live these days when it went off. It was so loud — you wouldn’t believe how loud it was.” (she spends quite a bit of time in the bathroom).

She then proceeded to tell me that the assisted living place was quite unorganized, and she was worried that they wouldn’t be able to get everybody out if there were a fire.

I drew her attention to the fact she lived right close to the door and could get herself out — whereupon she expressed her concern that everyone would be trampled in the mad rush to get out.

I couldn’t resist mentioning to her, “How fast do you think everybody here is going to be moving in their wheelchairs and walkers, Mom?”



Janice Osei-Boamah

I love the written word. Putting words together brings hope, clarity, and inspiration to me. I hope these words give something to you for your journey.