The Animal Doctor Is Wrong!

5 min readFeb 7, 2019


California Department of Public Health Final Report on Parcel A1 Concludes 110 Gamma Radiation Sites Detected in a Residential Neighborhood are Nothing for People To Worry About… An Animal Doctor Prepared It.

The Hunters Point Shipyard is a Federal Superfund Site, one of the most toxic properties on the nations National Priorities List with a Hazard Ranking of 49 out of 100.

In a sweeping 396 page report the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released the final Health & Safety Survey for the Hunters Point Shipyard Parcel A-1 gamma radiation scan on February 5, 2019. CDPH concludes that while the radiation survey detected 110 anomalies due to gamma radiation above background levels “upon completion of this radiation survey, no radiological health and safety hazards to the residents of Parcel A-1 were observed.”

The series of 10 human health and safety reports issued by CDPH are signed by Mark Starr, DVM — a doctor of veterinary medicine and CDPH Deputy Director for Environmental Health.

In a letter sent to Karen L. Smith, MD, MPH — Director and State Public Health Office for the State of California Health and Human Services Agency on January 28, 2019, I emphasized the potential for legal challenge to the reports conclusions stemming from obvious scope of practice issues raised by the CDPH release of a series of radiation health and safety progress updates issued by an animal doctor. I received no response.

Environmental law attorneys agree clear scope of practice issues undermine the credibility of the report and its conclusions. Starr writes in a letter sent to the SF Shipyard development agency on September 13, 2018, the above background gamma radiation anomalies were determined to be potassium-40…”a naturally occurring substance that does not pose a hazard to people or the environment.”

The animal doctor is wrong! The Hunters Point Shipyard Final Historical Radiological Assessment 1939–2003 documents K-40 to be a radionuclide of concern at the HPS with remediation goals set by the EPA for residential developments. K-40 was used by the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratories during their operation from 1946 to 1969 in numerous commercial and research areas. Potassium-40 was used commercially in photography, lithography and fireworks production.

HRA interviews document a human subjects experiment was conducted by the NRDL on shipyard volunteers who ingested radioactive potassium to determine its’ effects on muscle mass.

Background radiation is a measure of the level of ionizing radiation present in the environment at a location not due to deliberate introduction of radiation sources. To be naturally occurring, background gamma radiation levels scanned on Parcel A-1 would have to match the world average back ground radiation from cosmic, terrestrial and fallout from nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents. The fact the 109 gamma emitting sources detected by CDPH in a residential neighborhood are documented to be “above background” means — by definition -they are not naturally occurring!

A gamma emitting radium dial was discovered at the intersection of Galvez and Donahue during the Hunters Point Shipyard Parcel A-1 gamma scan in a region the US Navy never investigated. The radium dial was excavated in a region where radioluminescent devices were removed from ships on Drydocks 5, 6 and 7 and where radium dials were disposed of in landfills at IR-07 and IR-18. A gamma scan of the IR-18 landfill conducted in 1992 detected gamma anomalies due to Radium 226 and daughters.

K-40 is in fact an emitter of gamma waves and beta waves capable of destroying human tissue and human DNA. According to New Mexico State University “potassium-40 is associated with cell damage caused by ionizing radiation that results from radioactive decay, with the general potential for subsequent cancer induction. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 1999 Toxicological profile for ionizing radiation, “While in the body, potassium-40 poses a health hazard from both the beta particles and gamma rays. The health hazard of potassium-40 is associated with cell damage.”

This is not the first time human health and regulatory agencies have conspired to minimize the health risks of known environmental toxic exposures to further residential development at the Hunters Point Shipyard — a federal Superfund site. Emails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act by a coalition of environmental activists in 2009 triggered a Civil Grand Jury Report conclusion that the San Francisco Department of Public Health is reimbursed by the shipyards master developer, Lennar for monitoring expenses due to the shipyard’s development:

Findings of the 2010 Superior Court Civil Grand Jury Report Shifting Landscapes — The Hunters Point Shipyard

In 2007, San Francisco Health Officials declared asbestos and particulate containing dust from the Hunters Point Shipyard development project that caused a series of work shutdowns was safe for local residents. At Lennar’s request, the CDPH and CDC conclusions were reviewed by Dr. John Balms, a UCSF professor and environmental medicine specialist at the San Francisco General Hospital who agreed with Lennar spokesman Sam Singer, “We think the debate is now settled…the city concluded there was no health risk, and now we have the state and the CDC coming to the same conclusion.”

On September 25, 2007 the San Francisco Board of Education passed a unanimous resolution calling on the city to immediately halt Lennar’s construction work to allow for an ‘independent health and safety assessment” in the aftermath of a hearing in which dozens of parents, teachers, school nurses and custodians testified the toxic dust exposures caused children to miss school and frequent medical clinics for headaches, asthma, nosebleeds, rashes and ear infections.

Environmental health matters and in 2007 I launched my candidacy for Mayor of San Francisco using the “bully pullpit” of candidacy to bring focus on the dangers to human health posed by residential development on a federal Superfund site!

In January 2019, The Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program pilot program was launched in partnership with Golden State MD Health & Wellness and Genova Diagnostics. Biomonitoring is the science of detecting toxic metals, radionuclides and organic pollutants in human body fluids. Genova Diagnostics is the nation’s premier toxic laboratory. Using high resolution mass spectrometry, Genova Diagnostics offers a Comprehensive Urine Element Profiles that detects 35 chemicals and radionuclides of concern in a simple low cost urine test. Many of the major toxins documented to be present at the HPS federal Superfund site can be detected with a 24 hour turn around including radioactive potassium, uranium, cesium, strontium, lead, arsenic, mercury, manganese, chromium and cobalt.

Genova Diagnostics Comprehensive Urine Element Profile
The Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment is currently reviewing funding for the Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program




Crossing the Intersection of Health, Humanity, Science & Politics!