Mavatar CEO Susan Akbarpour chats leadership skills, charity and who’s helped her on her entrepreneur journey

Janine Just
2 min readAug 1, 2018


Thrive Global recently profiled Mavatar CEO and co-founder Susan Akbarpour for their CEOs and leadership series. Our CEO has several businesses under her belt and continues to invest and advise in companies as a partner for VC firm, Candou Ventures.

Susan Akbarpour discusses mCart’s role in the changing landscape of advertising and influencer marketing at C-Commerce Summit.

Check out our preview of 5 Leadership Lessons with Susan Akbarpour, CEO of Mavatar Technologies with writer Yitzi Weiner:

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

We saw how easy it would be for cutting edge blockchain technology to solve this bottleneck out of our technology market adoption. We know our technology is a proven viable product, we know retailers need us to execute in-store and online as a joint venture for shoppers and now our mCart token makes it easy for them to do it.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

We both support multiple non-profit organizations such as Center for investigative reporting (CIR), Iranian American Contribution project, Iranian Scholarship Foundation (ISF), Pars Equality Center among others.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”?

This is my own quote that I live everyday: “The ball is always in your court.”

Read the entire Thrive Global article here.

