Android Beginner Image Gallery Example

Tutorial using PlaceHolderView

Janishar Ali
2 min readAug 23, 2016

This example demonstrate creation of a list of images with animation using PlaceHolderView. For the sake of this example we will be placing our images in the drawable folder.

Note: After exploring this example I will strongly recommend going through next advanced and complete example listed here.

Reference to PlaceHolderView can be found here

Lets Begin:

Step 1:

Create a project in the Android Studios and add dependency in app’s build.gradle

Step 2:

Create Activity XML layout res/layout/activity_main.xml

Step 3:

Create gallery image item view res/layout/gallery_item.xml

Step 4:

Create GalleryItem.class


  1. @NonReusable is annotation in PlaceHolderView, to be used in cases where we want to release all the resources and references if removed from the list and won’t use the same object in addView() method in PlaceHolderView.
  2. @layout is used to bind the layout with this class
  3. @View is used to bind the views in this layout we want to refer to
  4. @Resolve is used to operate on the view references obtained from @View, in short if we want to define any operation on the view it should be put in a method and annotated with @Resolve
  5. @Animate() is used to assign defined animations in the Animation class

Step 5:

Create the MainActivity.class.

Get the reference to the PlaceHolderView and then add views to this using addView method.


If we need a grid of 2 rows then use Builder class.

mGalleryView.getBuilder().setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(this.getApplicationContext(), 2));

That’s All




Janishar Ali

Coder 🐱‍💻 Founder 🧑‍🚀 Teacher 👨‍🎨 Learner 📚