Java : Importance described simply

Janitha Heshan
2 min readJan 20, 2024


Java a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language designed by James Gosling to have as few implementation dependencies as possible have taken the IT world as a storm and currently 97% of enterprise desktops runs on java and it is expected to grow more in upcoming years (Source).Known for its platform independence, strong community support, and security features, Java continues to be a vital tool for developers. In this article, we’ll explore the key reasons behind Java’s lasting relevance.

Platform Independence

Java’s “Write Once, Run Anywhere” principle allows developers to write code that can run on various platforms without modification. This portability, facilitated by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), makes Java suitable for applications that need to operate seamlessly across different devices and operating systems.

Robust Community and Ecosystem

The language benefits from a large and active community of developers, contributing to a rich ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools. Widely used frameworks like Spring and Hibernate simplify development, fostering a collaborative environment that accelerates application creation.

Scalability and Performance

Java’s scalability and efficient memory management make it a preferred choice for building large-scale, high-performance systems. The language’s support for multithreading enhances application performance, particularly in projects with demanding requirements.

Security Features

Java incorporates strong security features, including bytecode verification and a well-established security model. These measures ensure that applications built on Java adhere to security standards, making it a reliable choice for industries where data security is a top priority.

Longevity and Legacy Compatibility

Java’s longevity and compatibility with legacy code make it an attractive option for businesses. The ability to integrate new Java components with existing systems allows organizations to modernize without undergoing a complete overhaul.

In conclusion, Java’s enduring qualities, such as platform independence, community support, scalability, and security, make it an indispensable language in modern software development. Whether you’re a developer or a business making technology choices, Java’s reliability and adaptability continue to contribute to its significant role in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

