Stack Overflow Survey 2019, Interesting Trends

Janith Kasun
3 min readApr 10, 2019


Stack Overflow has released the result of its most awaited 2019 survey. Here are a few interesting trends in the Software Engineering industry. You can find the link to the full result at the end of this article if you are interested in the full picture.

Python beats Java By Popularity

Due to the rise of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, Python was on the trend for the past few years. Last year Java popular compared to python by about 7%. This year Python beats java by 0.6% as of the survey results. Python was also titled as the “fastest-growing major programming language” by stack overflow.

Not just by popularity, Python programmers are also paid a higher salary (average of 60,000 USD) compared to Java Developers (average of 51,000 USD).

JavaScript is the most popular programming language

JavaScript still keeps the title of the most popular programming language according to the survey. But there is a slight decrease in popularity compared to the last year.

While react.js being the most popular web framework. Angular is mentioned as the second most popular web framework which was the most popular framework in 2018.

PHP is the least paid programming language

PHP is the least paid programming language as same as last year, while Clojure, Scala, Go, Rust, and R is being the most paid programming languages around the world.

Typescript and Python are also above average while JavaScript and java is slightly below the average salary.

Visual Studio Code is on the run

As a relatively new and open source IDE, VSCode is the most popular IDE among developers. VSCode is gain about a 16 percent huge increase from the last year from 34.9% to 50.7%.

I believe this is a huge win for Microsoft since they were putting more effort into open source projects in the last few years.

Meetings are mentioned as a Great Challenge for Productivity

As a new section “Challenge for Productivity”, Meetings mentioned as one of them by 37% of developers. Also, Distracting work environment, Being tasked with non-development work, Not enough people for the workload is also mentioned as the other major challenge for productivity.

If you want to find out more statistics about the latest trends in the software engineering industry and how it might affect you, please check the following link to the survey.

Survey link:

