BI Thoughts: How Do I Develop My Analytical Skills?

Janitra Ariena Sekarputri
5 min readNov 16, 2020


I fell in love with the data field since taking Database courses at college. The time to find a ‘Kerja Praktik’ place is getting closer. I started thinking about applying to the company where I use the product almost every day. Pay an ‘ojek online’ to go to campus, buy food at ‘kos-kosan’, buy food at the canteen, and also transfer to another bank at a low cost.

I asked myself, why don’t I apply to OVO with the role I love, which is Business Intelligence?

In January 2020, finally I applied to Business Intelligence at OVO. Three days later, I got a call from Talent Acquisition and set a meeting to do an interview.

Oh yes, the response was so fast!

On Valentine’s day, I got an offer letter from OVO. Omg, they love me 😍

I am very excited to meet my team later, come to the office every morning, have lunch together, and come home late in the evening like most people who work do.

Suddenly, the Covid-19 pandemic came.

I have to do my internship remotely from home. “Okay, maybe just a few weeks working from home”. On June 2, at 9.30 I was ready to start my new experience by clicking the join button on Google Meet to meet my team. They welcomed me very well, we introduced ourselves as acquaintances with new people.

It’s been five months since I joined as a Business Intelligence Intern at OVO, working from home. I was thinking I couldn’t do my internship this way, I started to get overthinking. But, after 1 month I am getting used to it and really enjoy working from home, although I’m sad that I haven’t been able to meet the team in person.

In the first 2 weeks, I and the other interns that day, Ray and Audira, were given sharing sessions from each area regarding the work they were doing. I thought that it was a really good thing to do and not all teams do this for new recruits. With these sharing sessions, it will become a provision for me to do my work later. I am so glad, thank you teams 😊

How has my internship gone so far?

It went very very well, my team always has my back. If I felt lost, I would ask my team. If I needed help, I would also ask my team. They’ve always welcomed and respected me. They are willing to give up their time just for teaching us and helping us. I also get their back. If I felt I still have availability, I would ask my team if they needed my help. If they need my help, I am always ready to help them. I made mistakes sometimes. Of course, I feel bad about it, but it’s a learning experience. We can get a lot to learn from it.

What are the values from join in BI team as an intern?

  1. Gained more business thinking side.
    To analyze data, we have to work properly in order to build better support towards OVO business’ sustainability. BI team always encourage its interns to also develop other skill apart from technical matters. In doing a data query, we also need to know what will be done from the data, not just querying the data.
  2. Gained more technical skills
    I learned how to query data with other methods, which I haven’t learn from college. Besides that, I also learned how to query neatly. Creating queries is not just about querying, we also need to make queries that are effective, efficient, and also easily understood by others.
  3. Gained more soft skills
    With the scrum method, I am getting better at managing my time. Every day, we have a daily check-in which is to keep track of what we will do today. At the end of the day, we have a daily check-out which is to keep track of how our progress and what we’ve done today. With this daily check out, we have a target that we must complete the task before the check-out time comes. So that there is progress that must be reported. Based on observations and stories from the BI team who have worked full-time, I also learned how to manage time properly between doing work and also having many meetings. It has greatly improved my time management skills.
  4. Gained more relations
    By being involved in several projects, of course, I met and collaborated with other teams such as the Engineer, Product, and Quality Assurance teams. I learned how to communicate properly and make a good analysis report to the user. I also study and know the systems and workflows of these teams which increase my knowledge of work in other departments.

Pak Wahyu, as our Head of Business Intelligence, once mentioned a good quote from Isaac Newton.

“What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean”.

There are still a lot of things that we don’t really know, we still need to learn a lot and explore other things as well as trying to deepen the knowledge. Thank you for this great opportunity, Pak.

I would also like to thank Kak Anto, as my mentor since the first day who is always patient, kind, and teaches me many things. Kak Gege, Kak Mega, Kak Dion, Kak Gabby, Kak Hanifa, Kak Raihan, Kak Ando, and Kak Ian thank you for giving me the opportunity to know and work with you!

For Kak Victor, Adli, Djati, welcome to our team, and looking forward to working with you guys! Also, shout out also to Bu Sharly and Kak Dian, who makes me feel luckier to be part of this team. Hope to meet you guys ASAP :D

Being a part of this team was a really great experience, I can implement the knowledge I got from college and hopefully, give a good impact especially in developing my analytics skills. I also learned a lot and got a lot of things that are not taught on campus. Thank you so much OVO for this opportunity, I will never regret my decision and choice to be part of this team.

Don’t be afraid to try,
Don’t be afraid to ask,
Because it will lead you to a brighter future!

