How I Run Stable Diffusion With ComfyUI on AWS, What It Costs And How It Benchmarks

Jan Kammerath
13 min readApr 27, 2024

If you want to run the latest Stable Diffusion models from SDXL to Stable Video with ComfyUI, you need the latest version of ComfyUI, powerful GPUs and fast drives. When you use SDXL for images like I do, you also don’t want them to take minutes to generate. I used my M1 Pro MacBook for quite a while running DiffusionBee and ComfyUI. Up to the point that my M1 Pro would continuously spin the cooling fans. Something that never occured when using it before, even when running challenging applications.



Jan Kammerath

I love technology, programming, computers, mobile devices and the world of tomorrow. Check out and follow me on