We’re in a software crisis again, but AI won’t replace anyone anytime soon.

Jan Kammerath
9 min readFeb 28, 2024

Layoffs, layoffs, layoffs and it seems they’re never ending. Heck, we even got a tech layoff tracker on layoffs.fyi now. Startup funding is at the lowest level since 5 years, Crunchbase reports. Besides the overall economic challenges, the fear of AI replacing software jobs is also on the horizon. The daily tech news read like doomsday stories.

Is this the end of software development, again?

As someone who started his software development career right after the dotcom bubble burst, I can tell you that this is not the end of the world again. When I started my career as a developer, people would tell me “the Internet is dead” and to get a real job. The issues that the Dotcom startups tried to solve still remained. Many of those solutions from the early 2000s were buried, just to reappear a few years later.

It’s not over, as much as it wasn’t over in 2000

When I started as a junior developer back in 2001, the dotcom bubble left a dent in the technology industry. It led Google to launch its ads platform to become profitable. Those tech companies that survived, tried to become profitable as fast as possible. Many however did not survive. The technology and software industry recovered, continued to innovate and grew significantly through the coming years.



Jan Kammerath

I love technology, programming, computers, mobile devices and the world of tomorrow. Check out kammerath.com and follow me on github.com/jankammerath