If You’ve Been Shoved Off an Emotional Cliff by a Narcissist…

Check out these expert YouTube channels.

Janna Lorensen
8 min readMar 22, 2022
YouTube icon on background of mended hearts
Image by Author via Canva.com

He was a predator disguised as a friend in need. Like Ted Bundy, he drew me in with a ruse. I wanted to help him.

For months, I shared the best of myself with him, but he never wanted my friendship. He wanted my attention and admiration. He wanted power and control. He wanted to exploit and hurt me.

Behind his mask, he hid another version of himself — the conscienceless, selfish version. Eventually, he ripped off the mask, and in an instant, he erased everything I believed to be true about our friendship.

After being shoved off an emotional cliff by a narcissistic person, you may be struggling to understand what happened, who you were dealing with, and how to recover. You may find that well-meaning family and friends can’t relate. If you’re feeling shell-shocked in the aftermath of narcissistic abuse, you’re in good company.

Targets of narcissistic abuse often believe that something is wrong with them. They experience confusing conflicts between the heart and mind and a lost sense of self, self-blame, and powerlessness.

The good news is healing from narcissistic abuse is possible. According to an article in Psychology Today:



Janna Lorensen

Poodle person and lingonberry lover. Survivor of psychopathy turned tough cookie. Living well after a traumatic relationship. janna.lorensen@gmail.com