Create a Devcontainer

Jannis Milz
3 min readJan 14, 2024

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❓ What’s a devcontainer

A devcontainer is a feature that lets you run docker containers locally for development. This brings a lot of advantages! I listed a few here:

  • Useful for bigger groups
  • Doesn’t matter what operating system, version or compatability your local device has. (It’s built for that purpose!)
  • Fast and secure

🏗 Create your own devcontainer

FYI: For this part some docker knowledge is required and is not getting teached.

Now in this example let’s create a simple and small NodeJS devcontainer

We start with creating a .devcontainer folder in the root directory of our project.

All we need more for our devcontainer are two more files. The devcontainer.json for configs and a default Dockerfile. devcontainer.json

"name": "YourProjectName",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile"
"settings": {
"terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": {
"zsh": {



Jannis Milz

An always-wanting-to-learn-more person. Developer advocate. Obsessed with self-improvement and efficiency.