Prominent Australian Anti-Semite Shayne Chester Exposed as Zionist Collaborator After Coming Out of the Closet as Gay

Truth Sentinel
2 min readJul 26, 2024


Shayne Chester (AKA @McShayne2011)

Waterloo, Sydney — In a shocking revelation, Shayne Chester, a prominent anti-Semite and vocal supporter of Palestinian rights, has been exposed as a Zionist collaborator. Chester, who recently came out of the closet as gay, now faces significant backlash from his former community and allies.

The 69-year-old Muslim Anglo-Australian artist, who converted to Islam eight years ago, has been living off a disability pension and was known for his outspoken anti-Zionist stance, especially on twitter (X) under the username @McShayne2011. However, recent investigations have uncovered that Chester has been secretly collaborating with Zionist groups in Australia. This revelation came to light after a raid by NSW police on March 28th, in response to a tweet that was interpreted as inciting violence.

During the raid, officers seized Chester’s phone, computer, and other digital devices under a digital evidence access order. The scrutiny that followed uncovered Chester’s hidden life as a closeted homosexual and cross-dresser. These revelations have led to widespread condemnation from his former Muslim community, who feel betrayed by his secret collaboration with Zionist groups and sexual tendencies.

Shayne Chester (AKA @McShayne2011)

It has also been revealed that Chester was a frequent participant in the Sydney drag scene, performing under the name “Shayla Sparkle.” He was a regular dancer at the Stonewall Hotel’s drag shows in Darlinghurst, Sydney. “I remember seeing Shayla perform almost every week,” said an anonymous former frequenter of Stonewall. “She was one of the most enthusiastic and vibrant dancers on stage. No one would have guessed her other life.”

Chester’s double life and the subsequent fallout highlight the complexities of identity, community acceptance, and political alliances. As he navigates this tumultuous period, Chester remains under investigation by NSW police, though no charges have been filed regarding his controversial tweet.

Once a figure of solace in his religious conversion, Chester now faces an uncertain future amidst public and personal upheaval, sparking broader conversations about the challenges faced by individuals with intersecting marginalized identities and the repercussions of community exclusion.



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