Midi keyboard CME UF6, UF5, UF8, UF7 ,UF50, UF60, UF70 driver fix.

Fucking cme developers stop supporting nice keyboard.. like cme uf-5
After f4cking .. I found driver for ESI Standard midiport, and it totally support our old-fagged midi keyboard.
Thanks ESI( https://download.esi-audio.com/?w=esi&p=58&g=0&l=en )
Download new drivers, works on windows 7..win10 not checked)

First variant:
- Unpack folder to specific place
- Run force_install.cmd , it will install patched driver.
Second variant:
- Unpack folder to specific place
- Install original driver of ESIMidiport_v1.30_setup.exe
- Catch drivers in %TEMP% folder, replace in inf file string ( in archive its already fixed ):
So at the link upside you can get drivers and replace PID,VID by yourself..
;;;;This is default string for 49 keyboard mini by cme-esi
PNPID_DEVICE_18 =”USB\VID_2702&PID_2702";;;;This is CME UF-5
PNPID_DEVICE_18 =”USB\VID_7104&PID_2202"