"From Messy to Masterpiece: The Ultimate Power BI Dashboard Checklist" πŸ“ŠπŸš€πŸ’»πŸ“ˆπŸ“

4 min readMar 20, 2024

Why Does Dashboard Design Matter?

Dashboard design is crucial because it directly impacts how well viewers understand the data. A poorly designed dashboard, cluttered with information and lacking visual hierarchy, can leave users confused and overwhelmed.

Conversely, a well-designed dashboard with clear visuals, consistent formatting, and a logical layout allows users to quickly grasp key insights, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on the data presented. It’s the difference between deciphering a cryptic message and reading a well-organized report.

β€œ This checklist empowers you to create dashboards that are not only informative but also visually appealing and user-friendly. ”

Visual Design: A Feast for the Eyes

β’ˆ Color Palette:

  • Limited & Focused: Stick to 3–5 colors for a clean look.
  • High Contrast: Ensure colors are easily distinguishable, especially for accessibility. Consider using a color contrast checker.
  • Consistent Representation: Apply colors consistently across visuals to represent similar data points.

β’‰ Fonts: Professional & Readable

  • Professional Choice: Select a professional font family that aligns with your brand identity.
  • Hierarchy & Readability: Consider using separate fonts for headings and body text to improve hierarchy and readability.
  • Emphasis Consistency: Maintain consistent boldness or italics for emphasis throughout the dashboard.

β’Š Background Matters: Subtle & Supportive

  • Non-Competing Colors: Use a subtle background color that doesn’t compete with the data visualizations.
  • Brand Alignment (Optional): Consider a simple background based on your brand for visual interest, but ensure it doesn’t overpower the data.

Visual Formatting: Making Sense of the Data

β’ˆ Visual Size: Highlight Key Metrics

  • Focus & Clarity: Utilize larger visuals for key metrics or focus areas.
  • Consistent Comparison: Maintain consistent sizing for visuals of the same type to facilitate comparison.

β’‰ Title (Header): Clear & Concise

  • Informative Titles: Craft concise and informative titles that accurately reflect the data presented.
  • Consistent Case: Use title case or sentence case for consistency.

β’Š Labels: Units & Readability

  • Meaningful Units: Format data labels with appropriate units (e.g., percentages, currency).
  • Truncation & Tooltips: Truncate long labels with ellipses (…) and provide full details on hover.
  • Emphasis Consistency: Maintain consistent boldness or italics for emphasis throughout the dashboard.

β’‹ Rounding Numbers: Striking a Balance

  • Apply consistent rounding rules throughout the dashboard.
  • Consider the level of detail needed and avoid excessive decimal places.

Dashboard Layout: Organization is Key

β’ˆ White Space: Breathing Room for Insights

  • Strategic Separation: Utilize white space strategically to separate elements and improve readability.
  • Avoiding Clutter: Avoid overcrowding the dashboard.

β’‰ Alignment & Grid System: A Structured Foundation

  • Structured Layout: Align elements horizontally, vertically, or both for a structured layout.
  • Consistent Balance: Consider using a grid system to ensure consistent spacing and balance.

β’Š Grouping: Categorize for Clarity

  • Related Visuals: Group related visuals or sections based on topic or data type.
  • Visual Dividers: Use headers or dividers to separate these groups visually.

β’‹ Ordering: A Clear Information Flow

  • Logical Sequence: Arrange visuals and sections in a logical order that guides users through the information flow.
  • Prioritize Summaries: Prioritize high-level summaries at the top and progress to details.

Additional Considerations: The Finishing Touches

  • Tooltips: Provide concise and relevant information in tooltips (data points, percentages, etc.).
  • Legends (if needed): Keep legends simple and strategically placed to avoid obstructing visuals.
  • Interactivity: Consider enabling slicers, filters, or drill-down capabilities for user interaction and deeper analysis.
  • Export Options: Ensure the dashboard can be easily exported to different formats (PDF, image).
  • Abbreviation Explanations: Explain any abbreviations used (e.g., ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival).
  • Focus on Key Headers: Only display essential visual headers.

Bonus Tip: Storytelling with Data!

While not on the checklist, consider incorporating storytelling techniques to make the data more engaging and meaningful for users. You can also check in above Dashboard!

Ready to create showstopping Power BI dashboards? Grab this checklist and unleash your inner data visualization maestro!

Do you have any design tips to add? Please share them in the comments, and let’s keep the data design conversation flowing!

πŸ‘‹ Connect me on LinkedIn β€” Janvi Gupta

Keep Learning & Making an Amazing Dashboards

