Deep dive into kanji “鹿” (deer)

Tatsuki Tsujii of Japanesque Lab.
4 min readApr 25, 2024


Today’s Kanji: 鹿(deer)

Pronunciation and Meanings

The kanji character “鹿” is pronounced “shika,” “shishi” or “ka.” It means deer.

The kanji for “鹿” represents the deer, an animal with long, slender legs and distinctive antlers.

Origins of the Character “鹿”

The oldest form of the “鹿” captures the characteristics of the deer’s magnificent antlers. It was gradually rearranged and transformed into its current form.

Usage Examples

  • 牡鹿 — stag
  • 鹿子 — Bambi(fawn)
  • 馴鹿 — reindeer
  • 馬鹿 — fool

Kanji Combination

  • 鹿(deer)+土(soil)=塵(dust)

The character for “塵” is “dust” with “土” added to the lower part of “鹿.” The old, ancient form of the character for “塵” was complicated by the triangular arrangement of three characters for “鹿” and the addition of “土” to the lower part of the character. In other words, the word “塵” refers to the cloud of earth created by the many deer running in the fields. The character for “塵” is a symbol of the earth plumes created by many deer running across a large plain.

The famous place names with the word “鹿”

  • 鹿児島県(Kagoshima prefecture

Kagoshima is a prefecture located in the southwestern part of Japan, at the southern tip of the Kyushu region. It is an area of active volcanic activity, and as a result, has many beautiful natural landscapes. Volcanoes such as Sakurajima and Mt. Kaimondake, and the nature reserve on Yakushima are typical examples. Kagoshima is rich in food ingredients and is famous for its delicious meat dishes such as Kurobuta pork and Japanese black beef. Kagoshima’s sweet potatoes are also popular. The city is also famous for its sweet potatoes, which are a favorite of many people.

  • 鹿嶋市(Kashima City

The city is located on the eastern edge of Ibaraki Prefecture. Kashima City has long had historical importance. In particular, Kashima Jingu Shrine is well known. Kashima Jingu Shrine is dedicated to Emperor Jinmu and is known as the oldest shrine in Japan. Emperor Jinmu is considered the first emperor who founded Japan in 660 B.C., and according to myths and legends, he is the founder of Kashima Jingu Shrine. Therefore, Kashima Jingu Shrine is deeply rooted in the history and mythology of ancient Japan.

Image of the Kanji character for “鹿”

Deer have appeared in Japanese mythology and folklore since ancient times and have been worshipped as sacred beings. In particular, in Shintoism, deer are considered to be messengers of the gods. Since ancient times, deer have inhabited the precincts of shrines and Shinto shrines, and have been worshipped as local guardian deities. Deer are believed to be messengers who appear when the gods descend and convey people’s wishes to the gods. For example, deer can be seen freely inhabiting shrines and jingu shrines throughout Japan, including Todaiji Temple in Nara and Kirishima Jingu Shrine in Kagoshima. On the other hand, in Japan, the kanji character for “馬鹿” is used to describe the act of making fun of others. The word “馬” represents a horse, and “鹿” represents a deer. You may wonder why such a word is used for such a sacred being. The reason for this lies in the ancient Japanese way of life. Horses were valued for transporting people and goods, and deer were often eaten for meat. You may think it is strange to eat a sacred creature, but deer were also a valuable food source because they were easy to reproduce. The two animals that supported life in those days were important to them. The word “馬鹿” (idiot) is said to have come to mean “fool” in the sense that it is foolish to be ungrateful, uninterested, or disrespectful of such a precious thing.



Tatsuki Tsujii of Japanesque Lab.

Japanese calligrapher / Researcher of the Japanese letters and language. Introducing the history, artistry and emotion of Japanese calligraphy and language.