Completable Future for asynchronous computation

Phoenix Rivers
2 min readJul 4, 2024


CompletableFuture in Java is a powerful class introduced in Java 8 as part of the java.util.concurrent package. It represents a future result of an asynchronous computation, providing a way to chain asynchronous operations, handle dependencies between them, and manage their completion. Here are some common uses of CompletableFuture:

  1. Asynchronous Execution:
  • Use CompletableFuture to perform tasks asynchronously without blocking the calling thread.
  • Execute long-running tasks in separate threads and continue with other operations concurrently.

2. Chaining Operations:

  • Chain multiple asynchronous operations using methods like thenApply, thenCompose, thenAccept, etc.
  • Example:
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> fetchData())
.thenApply(data -> processData(data))
.thenAccept(result -> handleResult(result));java

3. Dependency Management:

  • Manage dependencies between asynchronous tasks where one task depends on the completion of another.
  • Ensure that tasks are executed sequentially or in a specific order based on their dependencies.

4. Exception Handling:

  • Handle exceptions and errors gracefully using exceptionally, handle, or whenComplete methods.
  • Example:
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> fetchData())
.thenApply(data -> processData(data))
.exceptionally(ex -> handleException(ex))
.thenAccept(result -> handleResult(result));java

5. Combining Results:

  • Combine results from multiple CompletableFuture instances using thenCombine, thenAcceptBoth, or allOf methods.
  • Aggregate results when several independent computations complete.

6. Timeouts and Cancellation:

  • Implement timeouts using completeOnTimeout or cancellation using cancel method to manage long-running tasks.
  • Ensure tasks do not run indefinitely and can be terminated if necessary.

7. Concurrency Control:

  • Use CompletableFuture along with ExecutorService to control the execution context and manage concurrency.
  • Specify a custom thread pool or executor for executing asynchronous tasks based on application requirements.

8. Integration with Reactive Programming:

  • CompletableFuture can be integrated with reactive programming frameworks like RxJava or Spring Reactor to build reactive applications.
  • Facilitate non-blocking and event-driven architectures by combining reactive streams with CompletableFuture operations.

Overall, CompletableFuture simplifies asynchronous programming in Java by providing a fluent API for composing, chaining, and handling asynchronous tasks. It promotes cleaner and more manageable code for handling complex concurrency scenarios in modern Java applications.

