Benefits of IMPs, Social Media Engagement, and Huge Scalability.

Jared Benning
2 min readJan 25, 2019

Building social media influencer teams at scale has never been easier than with Influencer Marketing Platforms. In today’s fast-paced, highly volatile, and easily influenced society, having an army of influencer content creator wizards at your side can be the difference in victory and defeat. Knowing how best to group and utilize those influencers will have a heavy outcome on the success of your campaign.

Influencer Marketing at Scale

As a savvy social media manager, IMPs will allow you to tailor and control each influencer team specifically to a campaign’s needs, a proven formula for driving growth. The platform’s algorithm intelligence tools will ensure that your groups are niche directed, which will get you the most bang for your buck. You will wield great power at your fingertips as you search from a database filled with hundreds of thousands of Influence Artists using just a few paltry clicks. Find and invite the strongest clients with the most impressive credentials and captivating content all by toggling a few filters.

The platform’s e-mail customization sequences will improve response rates by utilizing clever calls-to-action, guaranteeing optically optimized and personalized messages go to their ideal candidates. Never again will you struggle to write useless, boring, cold-copy e-mails again.

All of this automation allows you to spend more time focused on building genuine relationships with your influencers. Make some friends using the built-in chat and messaging features. While you build your brand and create highly motivated, and highly influential, team-players, the IMP manages the paint-drying tedium of sales tracking and datalytic campaigning.

What’s more, you’ll be able to track every step of your campaigns execution from a single dashboard. View your social media engagement numbers, peruse content values, and ponder over sales conversion rates all in a quick glance.

In addition, most Influencer Marketing Platforms, such as the one developed by AspireIQ, even sync with existing tools, such as Google Drive, and can use AI image recognition software to automatically tag uploaded content. All very FBI, isn’t it?

All jokes aside, the IMP is an invaluable social media tool for both media managers and media influencers alike, and any savvy business person pushing to scale their social influence and explode their growth can check out a free demo here.



Jared Benning

Digital & Tech guru who loves off-roading and mountain biking. May the force be with you!