Tech Startup Investments Stronger Than Ever?According to Reuters, tech companies saw $15.3 billion worth of investments in the second quarter of this year. This was a more than 20…Oct 24, 2016Oct 24, 2016
The Many Reasons Why Uber is Losing More Money Than Any Tech Company in History.In July of this year, The Mercury News reported that Uber was facing more than 70 federal lawsuits throughout the United States. While the…Sep 6, 2016Sep 6, 2016
What’s Most Important To Investors?No one goes into business without looking to be profitable; great ideas could be just that without the additional efforts to establish and…Aug 11, 2016Aug 11, 2016
Jared Carmel Explains Public & Private ValuationsFor many investors in private, pre-IPO technology the recent return of fear was overdue and taken in stride. However, the growth in late…Jul 21, 2016Jul 21, 2016