New Nitro Pepsi review

Jared Davidson
3 min readMar 30, 2022

To start off, I am a huge Pepsi fan. I like Pepsi over Coke, Dr. Pepper, many forms of Root Beers and Cream Sodas. When I first heard that Nitro Pepsi was in the works I got really excited. The first release that I am aware of was during the 2019 Superbowl. It was tested in earlier 2019, so I was expecting it to be released that year.

I soon began to realize it wasn’t coming out and I forgot about it. Then about 6 months ago a friend reminded me about Nitro Pepsi. I began searching to see what progress was being made and learned that it was planned for release in 2022. About a month ago I saw an article that said the planned release day was March 28th, so I began to count down the days. On March 28th I went to a local grocery store but they did not have any. This morning I found the Pepsi Tracker that allows you to see who sales what flavors in your area. I found that several stores around me sold the new flavor. I went to Walmart, which I thought was the most likely to have it. They were sold out, or had not received the shipment yet. I went to a gas station that said they were in stock, but they too were either out or had not received a shipment. I then had to head into work. While at work, I let a friend know, that if he saw some to grab me a few. Before I left work, I had a text that he had found 2 for me.

