Google Alphabet Soup. Guide to all companies Google.

Jared Hendler
2 min readAug 12, 2015

There has been so much discussion around the restructuring of Google I thought it would be helpful to post a complete list of all of the Google companies along with some key articles to better understand the restructure. The depth and breadth of their holdings are massive. The ratio of innovation and disruption across the organization is unmatched by any other holding company across the globe.

A brief explanation of the holding structure of the new entity.

Why some folks, like BMW are a bit ruffled about the name.

Why they did it. To maintain innovation leadership.

The URL for the new company is

They certainly need the entire alphabet when you look at the list of companies they own. Hope this is helpful to everyone.

This list was originally sent to me by Ken Rutkowski @kenradio. Thanks Ken! The list originally appeared on Quartz.

A — Android / AdSense / Analytics / Ara / AdMob / Alerts

B — Blogger / Boston Dynamics / Books

C — Calico / Cardboard / Capital / Contact lenses

D — Drive / DeepMind / Design / DoubleClick

E — Earth / Express

F — Fiber / Fi / Flights / FeedBurner / Firebase / Finance

G — Google (duh) / Gmail / Glass / Groups

H — Hangouts

I — Images / Ingress / Inbox / Invite Media

J — Jump

K — Keep

L — Local / Loon

M — Maps / My Business / Makani

N — Nexus / News / Now / Nest

O — Offers

P — Plus / Play / Photos / Picasa / Pixate / Patents

Q — [Nexus] Q

R — Refine / reCaptcha

S — Search / Self-driving car / Shopping / SageTV / Stackdriver / Skybox /Skia / Scholar

T — Translate / Tango

U — URL shortener

V — Voice / Ventures / VirusTotal / Video

W — Wear / Wallet / Web Toolkit / Wing

X — Google X labs

Y — YouTube

Z — Project Zero / Zagat



Jared Hendler

Digital Media Strategist. Brand Content. Creative. Traveler. Surfer. Friend.