Film Reviews | 2024–46

Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) Review

July 30, 2024

Jared Schain
2 min readAug 4, 2024


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

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Rating 3.5/5

After a nearly unbearable streak of soul-less and forced films as they drag the MCU’s lifeless body towards the next Avengers films, Marvel finally delivers a film I can wholeheartedly say was an incredible time. In a packed IMAX theater with 10 of my best friends, there was not a single minute where I wasn’t surrounded with an echo of howling laughs. These days, Marvel delivering on an entertaining movie that can somewhat be reminiscent of the days I would mob a theater with all my friends filled with excitement, is more than enough.

Unsurprisingly and similar to almost all post-Endgame MCU entries, the film features lazy storytelling, phoned-in acting performances (besides maybe Jackman), and CGI-bloated boring visuals and dull color grading that requires no creativity. Yet, I’m actually okay with that. The joke writing was superb and some half decent acting sequences, which more than makes up for any successfully executed on emotional beats. Minimal moments felt forced or too corny and I can’t even pick my favorite joke because it felt like the whole movie was a 2 hour heater. Cant wait to revisit on D+ because it was almost too much humor to fully take in. What a comedy.

It felt like a worthy send off to the Fox universe especially with that montage during the end credits. I was pleasantly surprised with the free range they were given to let loose even at Marvel’s expense. If I’m going to Deadpool film, I can’t imagine expecting any more than this.

This doesn’t necessarily give me hope in Marvel’s future, but I can still be thrilled that for the first time in awhile, I got back that feeling of having the Marvel hype back even if only 2 hours.



Jared Schain

✏️Media & Entertainment Business Blogger 👔Strategy & Finance @ Peacock 📚CFA, MBA Student 🔗 Letterboxd & LinkedIn (links in bio)