Film Reviews: 2024–07

Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Jared Schain
1 min readMay 6, 2024

Teenage boys are the devil

“I want to make sure you are safe”

Solid indie production with powerful sound and editing. The devastation and horror-like elements brought to life by the characters’ silence and gloomy, slow shots. The constant barrage of uncomfortable male figures serving as a key demonstration of what young women go through. And in that, Eliza Hittman balanced telling the specific struggles related to abortion with the general difficulties of what they face in the nonstop expectations and pressures of the world around them.

The best part of the screenplay was the restraint it took in telling the full story. What matters is the path the protagonist embarked on. Not how she got to where she is now or why. But instead, what difficulties she was about to face.

Some scenes here just crush you — in particular, the first conversation with the social worker in the Manhattan office. Sidney Flanigan just nails it, especially in the intimate moments like this. The film thrives in being able to invoke emotion at the highest level while delivering crucial details on the struggles of a young woman, especially in this circumstance.

Moments in between these critical scenes are where it faltered. The narrative felt choppy and I think I’ll remember this for how incredible certain scenes were executed, but the moments in between were forgettable.



Jared Schain

✏️Media Business Blogger 👔Finance @ Peacock (NBCUniversal) 📚CPA & CFA, MBA Candidate 🎥Letterboxd: jaredschain 🔗