10 Best Writing and Organizing Tools Entrepreneurs

Jarie Bolander
4 min readJun 7, 2017


A Guest Post by Chris Richardson

Nowadays, becoming a highly successful entrepreneur is easier than ever. 20 years back, there was no unlimited amount of information like there is today, there were no smart digital tools or devices, and the possibilities to become the “next Zuckerberg” were very slim. Today is a different story.

If your entrepreneurship spirit leads you towards the proper idea and execution, you stand a good chance to become successful. Of course, there are more “requirements” for reaching true success.

These requirements or traits are rare amongst entrepreneurs yet self-discipline, self-organization, and time-management are essential for success. These are the main difficulties that modern entrepreneurs face, and it’s all with a reason: too much information, too many tools, and too many strategies.

The key to all this is first to become more organized. In order to maximize your productivity, you need to start using the technology in your favor. Writing digital tools are one of the most efficient helpers for those entrepreneurs who are dealing with the “digital environment” on a daily basis.

Let’s take a look at 10 writing tools that will help improve your writing and organizational skills.

1. Grammarly

Whenever you write content for your blog or business, you need to make sure that everything’s impeccable for the reader’s eye. Grammarly helps you in case you’ve missed any spelling and grammar mistakes and it will automatically give you suggestions.

2. HemingwayApp

Most successful businessmen understand that customers need to be treated with much care. In terms of content, delivering hard-to-read content, which is filled with structure mistakes and blocks of texts, surely doesn’t mean “good treatment”.

HemingwayApp is a great online software tool that detects your text’s “readability score”. If it’s fewer than 7, your text should be readable enough by anyone.

3. Dropbox

Everybody knows Dropbox already. It’s the best cloud-based storage software in the present moment, and I believe that each entrepreneur should take advantage of its features. Whenever you need to move your articles, files, or back-ups to different devices, use Dropbox.

4. Buzzsumo

As any business nowadays provides content to its prospects and customers, knowing what’s being discussed right now is very helpful. Put any keyword in Buzzsumo’s search panel. In a matter of seconds, you’ll see what are the hottest topics for any niche that you’re looking for.

5. Buffer

Entrepreneurs that don’t take advantage of social media are never going to reach the top of the ladder. Why? Because ignoring the biggest trend in the contemporary times is pure nonsense in terms of business profitability.

Buffer is an automation software that brings together all of your social media accounts. The tool gives you the possibility to schedule and automate the publishing of your future social media posts, without you having to be an active participant in the process.

6. Essay Geeks

Not every entrepreneur is also a good writer. In that case, you need to solve this problem by outsourcing help. Essay Geeks is a professional content writing service that takes care of entrepreneur’s custom content needs. They’re quite affordable and their writers are certified professionals that always deliver well.

7. Canva

Canva is the most popular graphicdesigning tool, and even though it’s not a “writing” tool, its uses are extremely related and important for content marketing strategy. Visual content is super effective in the present moment.

By 2017, video content is estimated to represent around 74% of all Internet traffic. Tools like Canva can save you a lot of time and money when you’re trying to build and launch significant visual marketing campaigns that are still connected with your content marketing campaigns.

8. SurveyMonkey

Survey Monkey helps you create personalized surveys that can be addressed to your target audience. The purpose is often to optimize your marketing or business performance.

The tool is free for use, yet you can purchase the premium version which gives you access to a lot of cool features.

9. Copyscape

Once you’re done writing a blog post, for example, you must make certain that your content is unique. Otherwise, you might trigger Google penalizations that are always going to weaken your efforts. Copy-paste your text into the Copyscape panel and witness a real-time duplicate content analysis on your content.

10. MailChimp

If you have a business website, you must also have an e-mail strategy and newsletter already established. MailChimp is an e-mail marketing autoresponder. In a few words, it helps you develop, analyze, and optimize your e-mail marketing campaigns. The tool comes with a trial, and the premium version is also very affordable.


Online writing tools are often life-saviors for many modern self-organized entrepreneurs. If you look attentively, only a few tasks cannot be automated.

If you’re performing activities that any of the previously presented tools could replace, don’t waste any second. Implement them in your daily lifestyle and/or in your business. The only thing it could happen is that you’ll improve your business performance and you’ll save more time for more important activities like closing sales.

Originally published at The Daily MBA.

