Content Marketing Tips for Ranking Higher On Google Search

Jarie Bolander
3 min readMar 24, 2020


Content marketing is an already proven method of improving Google search results rankings, but the results you get largely depends on the approach you take. Website SEO ranking is crucial in today’s business environment, where every business has an online presence through websites and social media accounts.

Most customers are also shifting their shopping searches from the conventional land-based businesses to online stores, and sometimes complete the transactions without necessarily visiting the physical store.

A good search engine ranking will tap these potential customers and send them to your website, where you will promote sales. The below content marketing tips suggested by Noria, one of the best marketing firms in Australia will help you to rank your content higher on the search engine.

Create High-Quality Content

Google has recently changed its ranking algorithms to help in eliminating the widely used content cloaking practice. Most marketing companies used content cloaking as a short cut to boosting their SEO ranking. Nowadays, content companies must create high-quality content if they want their companies to rank higher on the SERPs.

Google bots can now analyze the relevance of content to ensure that only content that is a distinctive and unique rank higher in their search results. Other changes include better rankings for websites with more content words and a higher preference for visual content over static content. It is, therefore necessary, to add images and videos in your content if you want better search engine optimization results.

Use the Right Keywords

The keywords you choose to incorporate in your content should be relevant to your business and well placed to fit in the context of the content. Stuffing their content with keywords is not likely to improve your ranking because Google will consider the content as spam and readers will also notice your intentions. Choosing keywords can be challenging, but tools such as Google’s Keyword planner are useful in identifying the keywords that are ranking higher on Google.

Include Keywords in URLs

Marketers will mostly have keywords in their titles and the body, but including them in your URLs can make a significant change to your rankings. Most of the potential customers will decide whether to visit your site based on the displayed URL. A good URL helps should describing the content in a few words to make it relevant to customers and Google bots. You should also avoid using symbols and numbers in the URL if you want a better ranking for your content.

Make your Website Mobile Friendly

Another tip on how to rank higher on Google is to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. A majority of internet users nowadays are mobile users, meaning ignoring this platform can be suicidal. A mobile user may not have the opportunity to read your content or explore your products/services if your website is challenging to navigate in mobile platforms.

Google also updated its algorithm in 2015 to ensure that mobile-friendly sites rank higher on their results page. Mobile-friendly sites ensure that their fonts are scalable for smooth zoom in, plus they also keep the paragraphs shorter to keep all the content on one page for a better reading experience.

Parting Words

The best content in content marketing should provide relevance and value to the readers and also focus on search engine optimization friendliness. Marketers should keep it in mind that the primary purpose of regularly creating content is to help in sending more readers to their landing pages through improved SERPS ranking. The improved ranking is only possible if they focus on aspects such as the quality of the content and other SEO optimization tools such as the use of keywords, better website designs and many more.


Patrick Watt is a content writer, writing in several areas, primarily in business growth, value creation, M&A, and finance. Other interests also include content marketing and self-development. Say hi to Patrick on Twitter @patrickwattpat.

Originally published at The Daily MBA.

