6 min readSep 15, 2016

After ABC reported Hillary’s death, they later stated that she had pneumonia, because everyone knows death leads to pneumonia.

The reports of Hillary’s death sent hearts aflutter, a few with pangs of sorrow and shock, and most with excitement and hope for the future.

People took to Twitter to opine on the historic implications.

On September 12th, @Chezer59 wrote, “Alex Jones has proof Hillary is dead. Body at Area 51. Foreign born doppelgänger to finish false flag campaign. ‪#overheated ‪#hardball,” which shows the growing belief that if Hillary is not an outright alien, then she is at least some sort of Reptilian Creature with corrupted fallen-angel DNA.

Twitter user @xdregina struck a more somber note when she penned this tweet: “Today on The Internet:

1. Hillary is dead

2. Harambe Night at ‪@UMassLowell

3. Adele is playing on the T or something ‪@MBTA

And I felt her pain, because how could she not know with complete certainty whether Adele was performing on the T or not?

An accompanying ABC News.com article was purportedly titled, “Hillary Clinton reported to have died under hospital treatment at Montefiore Medical Hospital.”

TRUNEWS correspondent Edward Szall reached out to @Fixer_Guy on Twitter to discuss this breaking news, but that lead and subsequent cache searches of ABC News.com yielded no results.

The mystery of Hillary’s seizures took on mythical proportions as rumors of body doubles swirled on Twitter.

According to TRUNEWS, “Edward Szall spoke with known professional Clinton impersonator, Teresa Barnwell, who is being accused online of ‘filling in’ as Hillary Clinton’s body double due to the candidates illness or death. On the September 12th edition of TRUNEWS, Mrs. Barnwell confirmed she was on live TV in Los Angeles at the time of Clinton’s medical emergency and subsequent reemergence outside Chelsea Clinton’s apartment.”

Notwithstanding the fact that death is the exact opposite of health, and the two are not at all interchangeable, WABC-7 provided Mr. Szall with this explanation of the broadcast: ““During a live introduction to a story about the health of Hillary Clinton, Joe Torres inadvertently said ‘death’ when he meant to say ‘health.’ It was clear from the context of the story, the reporters’ information and graphics on the screen that Secretary Clinton was alive and recovering.”

So, is Hillary Clinton dead and that fact being covered up by the clever use of a body double, or is she merely alive, but just barely?

Bigfoot enthusiasts, myself included, want to know.

Or, version two:

Hillary Clinton is dead. Long live Hillary Clinton.

A New York ABC-affiliate station claimed on the air that Hillary Clinton is dead.

After ABC reported Hillary’s death, in the same sentence, they later stated that she had pneumonia, because everyone knows death leads to pneumonia.

An accompanying ABC News.com article was purportedly titled, “Hillary Clinton reported to have died under hospital treatment at Montefiore Medical Hospital.”

This sent Twitter into a frenzy with conspiracy theorists at the forefront.

TRUNEWS correspondent Edward Szall reached out to one such individual, @Fixer_Guy, on Twitter to discuss this breaking news, but that query and subsequent cache searches of ABC News.com yielded no results.

The mystery of Hillary’s seizures had previously taken on mythical proportions, as rumors of body doubles swirled on Twitter.

According to TRUNEWS, “Edward Szall spoke with known professional Clinton impersonator, Teresa Barnwell, who is being accused online of ‘filling in’ as Hillary Clinton’s body double due to the candidates illness or death. On the September 12th edition of TRUNEWS, Mrs. Barnwell confirmed she was on live TV in Los Angeles at the time of Clinton’s medical emergency and subsequent reemergence outside Chelsea Clinton’s apartment.”

The reports of Hillary’s death sent hearts aflutter, a few with pangs of sorrow and shock, and most with a flurry of excitement and hope for the future.

A quick Twitter search yielded diverse results, as different demographics of people opined on the historic implications.

On September 12th, @Chezer59 wrote, “Alex Jones has proof Hillary is dead. Body at Area 51. Foreign born doppelgänger to finish false flag campaign. ‪#overheated ‪#hardball,” which shows the growing belief that if Hillary is not an outright alien, then she is at least some sort of Reptilian Creature with corrupted fallen-angel DNA.

Twitter user @xdregina struck a more somber note when she penned this tweet: “Today on The Internet:

1. Hillary is dead

2. Harambe Night at ‪@UMassLowell

3. Adele is playing on the T or something ‪@MBTA

And I felt her pain, because how could she not know with complete certainty whether Adele was performing on the T or not?

As speculation mounted, anticipation ascended like a mountain.

Notwithstanding the fact that death is the exact opposite of health, and the two are not at all interchangeable, WABC-7 provided Mr. Szall with this explanation of the broadcast: ““During a live introduction to a story about the health of Hillary Clinton, Joe Torres inadvertently said ‘death’ when he meant to say ‘health.’ It was clear from the context of the story, the reporters’ information and graphics on the screen that Secretary Clinton was alive and recovering.”

So, is Hillary Clinton dead and that fact being covered up by the clever use of a body double, or is she merely alive, but just barely?

Bigfoot enthusiasts, myself included, want to know.

Or, version three:

Hillary Clinton is dead. Long live Hillary Clinton.

By Jarod Kintz

A New York ABC-affiliate station claimed on the air that Hillary Clinton is dead.

After ABC reported Hillary’s death, in the same sentence, they later stated that she had pneumonia, because everyone knows death leads to pneumonia.

An accompanying ABC News.com article was purportedly titled, “Hillary Clinton reported to have died under hospital treatment at Montefiore Medical Hospital.”

This sent Twitter into a frenzy with conspiracy theorists at the forefront.

TRUNEWS correspondent Edward Szall reached out to one such individual, @Fixer_Guy, on Twitter to discuss this breaking news, but that query and subsequent cache searches of ABC News.com yielded no results.

The mystery of Hillary’s seizures had previously taken on mythical proportions, as rumors of body doubles swirled on Twitter.

According to TRUNEWS, “Edward Szall spoke with known professional Clinton impersonator, Teresa Barnwell, who is being accused online of ‘filling in’ as Hillary Clinton’s body double due to the candidates illness or death. On the September 12th edition of TRUNEWS, Mrs. Barnwell confirmed she was on live TV in Los Angeles at the time of Clinton’s medical emergency and subsequent reemergence outside Chelsea Clinton’s apartment.”

The reports of Hillary’s death sent hearts aflutter, a few with pangs of sorrow and shock, and most with a flurry of excitement and hope for the future.

A quick Twitter search yielded diverse results, as different demographics of people opined on the historic implications.

On September 12th, @Chezer59 wrote, “Alex Jones has proof Hillary is dead. Body at Area 51. Foreign born doppelgänger to finish false flag campaign. ‪#overheated ‪#hardball,” which shows the growing belief that if Hillary is not an outright alien, then she is at least some sort of Reptilian Creature with corrupted fallen-angel DNA.

Twitter user @xdregina struck a more somber note when she penned this tweet: “Today on The Internet:

1. Hillary is dead

2. Harambe Night at ‪@UMassLowell

3. Adele is playing on the T or something ‪@MBTA

And I felt her pain, because how could she not know with complete certainty whether Adele was performing on the T or not?

As speculation of Hillary’s death mounted, anticipation ascended like a mountain. Or at least a molehill — a Russian mole.

Notwithstanding the fact that death is the exact opposite of health, and the two are not at all interchangeable, WABC-7 provided Mr. Szall with this explanation of the broadcast: “During a live introduction to a story about the health of Hillary Clinton, Joe Torres inadvertently said ‘death’ when he meant to say ‘health.’ It was clear from the context of the story, the reporters’ information and graphics on the screen, that Secretary Clinton was alive and recovering.”

So, is Hillary Clinton dead and that fact being covered up by the clever use of a body double, or is she merely alive, but just barely?

And if Hillary exits stage left, who enters even further to the left? Will it be Bernie Sanders — or Bernie Sanders’ body double, after Hillary Kills her replacement?


When I was born I was two feet too tall. So the doctor had a choice: either chop of those two feet, or design two tiny shoes that looked like one hat.