To Meet the Golden Phoenix, First You Must Die!

Jaron Fund
9 min readMar 10, 2022

My final work is completed however, my soul feels no rest.

I was compelled to create works of art soon after discovering western spiritual thought. The likes of which always seem to emphasize a need for action over passiveness or internal work. I never really knew what my passion in life was and this whole idea of constant action really did not feel as fun (though I know it works for other individuals). In me, was an understanding of how our culture currently operates as a type of continual work grind. We work all day and barely have enough time for simply sitting around and enjoying ourselves. So, when I read certain works, or listened to certain people who emphasized this seemingly brutal affair, it always created a double-bind within me.

I thusly, sought to cleanse it from my spirit by getting into Game Design. The reason I chose this is because video games was nearly the only thing that brought me any kind of joy in the world, and yes, it is not often seen as a great symbol of effort or art, yet it does contain all the aspects of art within it. I find this an odd paradox that society usually shuns video games as being the lowest way to spend one’s time and at the same time it has the aspects of story-telling, painting, music, and interaction all balled up into one powerful portrayal (Of course, these portrayals are often wrought with…



Jaron Fund

Mystical person and fellow human being. Currently wandering the Earth plane.