Self-Improvement Is The Barrier To Enlightenment, And The Way To It

Jaron Fund
8 min readApr 16, 2022

There are many mystics in the world that have been a great inspiration in my life. Nearly, all of them mention the importance of focusing away from thoughts, towards higher consciousness. For in the vast space of a free mind, is Enlightenment. Many scientists, writers, artists and creators of all kinds — have utilized this fundamental idea into their own philosophy to stretch their mind into a new dimension of thought. One that is more holistic and balanced and as a result, allows them to realize more innovation and creativity in their work.

Mystics saw thought as the only limitation in humanity. To the degree that thought is transcended; is the degree of freedom that one individual could embody. Like Enlightenment, freedom had no end, which means that anything we can imagine is not just a fantasy or a dream, but a real possibility that could be enacted with enough conscious energy towards that ideal.

A rather lofty statement, huh? I wouldn’t expect anyone to read this and believe it. For belief is in the realm of thought, and consciousness always limits itself by believing in thought as reality. But, I have to honor those thoughts! Because thought is powerful enough to construct the reality we perceive. By this, I of course mean, that whatever you believe to be true, is in fact true, from your current…



Jaron Fund

Mystical person and fellow human being. Currently wandering the Earth plane.