Essay #1 Reflection

Jonathan Arreola
2 min readOct 4, 2021


This meme best describes/articulates my writing experience with Essay #1 because I had my topic, but compared to others it was one that I feel like I would have trouble finding things to write about. There were several points during my writing process where I encountered this problem but in the end, I worked through it and found inspiration through different ways. The progress that I made from my rough-draft that I reviewed in class to my final draft that I submitted was in my opinion, very significant. I learned many things along the way. The rough-draft workshop was honestly pretty helpful. It provided me with ideas on what I needed to do to create a decent essay and the opportunity to correct errors I wouldn’t have recognized before. It had been a while since I had actually written an essay. I had forgotten how to effectively write the different components of the essay as well as other important things. It gave me a refresher and I’m ultimately happy with the progress I made. From my individual writing process throughout this experience, I learned a number of things. It gave me the opportunity to build on skills such as: critical thinking, analysis, and research skills. This experience was the first time I had actually utilized a database to find sources for my essay. I now have a better understanding on how to effectively research. I would not change it because it was a learning experience and that is honestly important for me because it led to me gaining skills and knowledge.

