Mantra-preneur: Philosophies to Follow as an Entrepreneur

Jarvis Buckman
2 min readOct 29, 2018


It seems as though everyone wants to be an entrepreneur these days. It’s the “dream job” for many young professionals graduating from colleges and universities across the globe. Dreaming about being an entrepreneur is one thing, but going forth and making that dream a reality is quite another. Being an entrepreneur is difficult. It requires time, dedication and sacrifice. The journey to entrepreneurship can easily, and accidentally, be abandoned, which is why it is crucial to have a philosophy, or a “mantra” to get you through difficult times.

For any young and budding entrepreneurs out there, I figured I would gather and present a few philosophies that could assist in the way you carry out your entrepreneurial goals.

The Ball Is Always In Your Court

Entrepreneurship is a self-motivated industry. In order to truly make it, you must be the person to make the moves. Nobody is going to make moves for you. The hard work that you put into your work is exactly what you will get out of it. Actor and entrepreneur, Samir Kochhar, believes that the “ball is always in your court and it is up to you whether you wish to score or pass it to the opposing team, meaning, your success is the result of your own efforts.”

It’s About Who You Know

All entrepreneurs need networks; they need people that they can work with, rely on and confide in. And this isn’t necessarily exclusive to work; entrepreneurs, at the end of the day, are humans. We need human connections, such as friends, family and significant others. However, you must choose your network very wisely. Surround yourself with close friends and family that will only help propel you forward. Don’t surround yourself with negative and pessimistic people; they will only bring you down on your path to success. Additionally, once you’ve achieved success, make sure that you have true friends and family that will not use you to achieve their own goals. It may be difficult to decide who is a true friend and who is along for the ride, but once you can make that distinction, cut the dead weight.

There are many other philosophies to follow as an entrepreneur, all of which can lead you to success. As an entrepreneur, you have the power to make your dreams come true or to let them fall by the wayside. Stick to your guns, choose a philosophy (or a few) and make significant change.



Jarvis Buckman

Managing Partner at Leste Determinant Capital. Jarvis concentrates on investing opportunities in inefficient assets classes.