The 5 Craziest Use Cases You Could Think Of With Jarvis

Jarvis Network
Published in
6 min readDec 30, 2018

Two weeks ago, we started a challenge for our followers, in collaboration with Crowdholding where we asked everyone to really get out of the box and imagine the craziest interoperable use case, featuring Jarvis . It’s been one of the most exciting tasks we’ve curated so far and the amazing examples we received were so cool, we just had to share them with the rest of the world!

Interoperable and borderless experience

Jarvis allows you to enjoy full interoperability in finance. it is designed to experience a borderless financial lifestyle, a user-experience that we usualy see in sci-fi movies. In Jarvis, financial applications, services and assets are interoperable. From one single wallet you can seamlessly access Dapps, Fx or CFD trading, buy and sell stocks or crypto, pay, send, or receive money. Assets become higly usable, fungible, and interoperable: stocks can be exchanged for tokens, can be collateralized, or even used a medium of payment….

As example, by combining several p2p lending Dapps with a built-in fiat and payment gateway, users can collateralize their stock portfolio to borrow money and spend it immediately, in just few clicks.

The backbone of Jarvis is a multi-currency wallet capable of escrow function, which connects to our multi-asset hybrid exchange and all multiple Apps and Dapps, fiat gateway, brokers and more.

With this information in mind, we asked you to go crazy on the imagination and come up with the most awesome use cases with our technology! And you did not disappoint! Here are some of the more exciting possibilities, that you’re looking for with Jarvis:

Social awareness

Provide homeless people with a card with a Jarvis QR code. People can scan these with the Jarvis app to make a donation. With this card, the homeless people can obtain all kinds of much-needed amenities from the supporting retailers and care providers. By helping others extra Jarvis can be earned.

Yerome Berlosconi

It might not be the craziest but it will sure be efficient if one can create value from it’s own footprint, but much more than recycling to get paid, I’m thinking more on the scenario where save water waste below regional average or even make your own electricity and get revenue for green footprint, and maybe after you could sell your leftovers to buy other financial instruments, or pay your mortgage.

TheCrypto .Tips

It would be truly incredible to be able to create such incredible and potentially life-saving symbiosis using Jarvis. We have definitely considered the possibility of using blockchain for social good and in fact worked briefly project involving donations.

Global irony

I thought of quite a few possible scenarios such as using a CFD that pays out on the failure of Brexit to pay for my European Holiday or trading Carbon Credits to pay my electricity bill, but the one I like best is using the money I made shorting the shares of my bank to pay off my credit card.

Callum Roxburgh

I feel you, Callum…

Jarvis Lifestyle

This is not the craziest use case, but it is only a vision of tomorrow.

Let say Marvin (any similarity with the name is coincidental :)) is a crypto enthusiast who knows how to enjoy life.

We are almost the end of the month, and as a Jarvis Reward Token (JRT) holder, he will soon receive some revenues from dividends, but life is so short, he can’t wait to spent or invest them. So he decided to collateralize a part of his tokenized flat (where holders receive a monthly rentall part) to rent a car for this special day (couple birthday) and go to the beach. Then, he takes his half to the restaurant (paid with Jarvis Card). and to the cinema (paid on a terminal with NFC Jarvis Wallet feature). Marvin doesn’t have the time to trade today, so he uses a social trading network and copy trades and strategies from his favorite traders (“using a copy trading dApp”) with dedicated funds on his Jarvis Wallet.

He receives a notification from his “application advisor AI” about a good deal on a recently tokenized real estate asset (like Brickblock does) : he doesn’t hesistate, he invests with some of the collateralized tokens of his flat.

His sister who lives far from him needs some money. In few clicks, he instantly sends her some cash via Jarvis Wallet.

Tonight Marvin hangout with friends to watch his favourite team. They uses a special “pizza Sport dApp” to bet on match score : the losers (automatically) pay pizzas. The day was long but not over, Marvin made some trading profits and do not forget to give to some charities to help others (humanitarian, social or environmental associations) : he uses a “trade charity dApp” that automatically share a part of his day profits.

Marvin is going to bed, we are soon tomorrow…


I’m pretty jealous of Marvin, to be honest. The Jarvis lifestyle sounds pretty sweet!

Superhero Tim

I could mine crypto that I could then sell via Jarvis, in order to finance the building of my own Hulk-Buster suit, that I could then integrate with the Jarvis platform — to enable on-the-fly asset-trading while reigning in the Hulk, and battling Thanos, et al…

Perfect for busy nemesis-battling billionaire genius inventor crypto-trader types.

Tim Prior

Well done, Tim, looks like you really will take Jarvis to the Moon. And as a busy nemesis-battling billionaire genius inventor crypto-trader type myself, I really appreciate the input!

Thank you to everyone who joined in our use-case task! We loved reading your ideas and are very grateful to have such a community behind us. In 2019, we will be organizing more contests and fun tasks like these, as well as hackathons and design competitions, where you can make all these use cases a reality.

Seeing you, our community come to the same conclusions themselves and really open their minds to the limitless possibilities, was a truly great way to see 2018 off and look at the new 2019 year with eyes full of wonder and excitement!

Follow us on Crowdholding here to see more such tasks and join us on social media below to keep updated on what we do.


The possibilities are limitless
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Risk Warning: Investing in digital financial assets involves a high degree of risk and volatility and is not suitable for all investors; do not risk more money than you can afford to lose. Please consult an independent professional financial or legal advisor to make sure the product is right for you.

Disclaimer: This article contains text, data, graphics, photographs, illustrations and information (“Information”) connected with Jarvis International and/or other entities part of the Jarvis group ( “Jarvis”). Jarvis attempts to ensure Information is accurate, however Information is provided “AS IS” and on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis and may not be accurate or up to date. The publication of this article does not represent solicitation by Jarvis of buying the token “Jarvis Reward Token” and is not to be considered as a recommendation by Jarvis as to the suitability of any investment, if any, herein described. No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon Information in this document. Jarvis accepts no liability for the results of any action taken on the basis of the Information.

