Slimming belly with turmeric

jasem khademi
3 min readSep 5, 2019


Slimming belly with turmeric

Abdominal Slimming With Turmeric, How To Eat Slimmer With Turmeric, Abdominal Slimming With Turmeric, Abdominal Slimming Ways With Turmeric
Slimming with turmeric

Today, weight loss is one of the most important concerns of the people of the world. Almost half of the world’s people are thinking about weight loss and one of the foods that causes weight loss is turmeric. In this post, we talk about this bold topic on the bold site.

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Turmeric is a very widely used plant. The yellow plant has a lanceolate leaf shape. It has a thick root and contains an antioxidant called curcumin, which causes turmeric to have anti-inflammatory properties. Did you know that turmeric tea is effective in treating acne and reducing arthritis pain and also preventing cancer?

There are many thinning spices, some more suitable for burning belly and flank fat. Among these spices are well known worldwide. Cumin can have amazing health benefits. It is very strange that the tiny seeds of this spice can bring weight loss to people. Abdominal fat New studies suggest that cumin seeds are potentially It is able to penetrate body fat and in a positive way reduce the level of harmful fats in the blood. Iranian scientists from Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences conducted studies on 88 women who were overweight. They divided the women into two groups with two different diets. The first group mixed 3 grams of cumin powder with 5 grams of yogurt daily and the second group received weight control only with yogurt (without additive). Both groups received nutrition counseling and their calorie intake was reduced to 500 calories. The results showed that women who consumed cumin had a 3 pound (1.4 kg) weight loss compared to the second group. Also, the members of this group had a rate of fat burning, with 14.64%. Importantly, the group also experienced a decrease in fasting cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels. In addition to this, it has been very significant in consumers because of the reduction in BMI and waist circumference.
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If you are looking to lose weight, we recommend that you do not lose weight with turmeric and lean …
Slimming belly with turmeric

It is known to take its magic spice from this strange and mysterious spice. But from now on you can look at turmeric as a “slimming belt” too! According to studies in the journal Food & Function, turmeric contains molecules that inhibit fat storage in the abdomen by removing sugar from the blood and converting it into energy. Nutritionist Brooke Alpert recommends consuming a tablespoon of turmeric daily. He suggests adding turmeric to soups, Greek yogurt, green smoothies, fried vegetables, eggs and even tea. Do not worry! Low amounts of turmeric have little taste, especially if there are different flavors in the food you cook.
Slimming belly with turmeric tea

Turmeric tea is very easy. Boil two cups of plain water. After boiling half a teaspoon of turmeric add it and allow it to boil for ten minutes to remove the yellow properties of turmeric. Finally, add ginger or honey to the herbal tea. Add a little sugar, if you like, to sweetened yogurt.

source : لاغری با ماست و زردچوبه

