The ultimate guide to sensory self-care: why we all need it (and I mean all!)

Jasen Lynch
7 min readOct 18, 2023


Hey there! Do you ever feel like your senses are on overload? Like the city lights are too bright, the traffic too loud, and life in general is just… too much? I get it. Many times, I’ve found myself wishing for just a moment of quiet, a break from the constant buzz. But here’s the thing: while we can’t always control the world around us, we can control how we react to it. Enter: sensory self-care.

So often have I heard from people about their yearning for a simpler, more “sensory-friendly” life. Countless folks have shared their dreams of quiet beaches, serene forests, or cozy mountain cabins. (Ah, can you imagine?) I even have a friend who’s talked about just living like a hermit for a while, just to get away from it all.

But let’s face it. Not all of us can simply zip off to a remote village or book a lavish spa weekend (though, wouldn’t that be the dream!). But hey, this is YOUR life after all! And the good news? Sensory self-care can be just around the corner. Literally. It’s all about finding those little pockets of sensory bliss. Trust me, they exist!

Why Sensory Self-Care Matters

The world is loud. Bright. Overwhelming. Sometimes, the hum of a refrigerator can be like the screaming crowd at a rock concert (okay, maybe not that loud, but close enough). Our senses are our connection to the world, and they are constantly being bombarded. No wonder our brains scream for a break.

Your brain is like a sponge. Throughout the day, it soaks up every sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Even the stuff that you’re not consciously aware of, your brain picks it up and analyzes whether it’s important enough to draw your awareness to it. No wonder it’s so overloaded!

There’s only so much it can absorb before it starts to feel overwhelmed. Ever felt irritated by a dripping faucet or a flickering light? Or even worse, felt a surge of anxiety when someone’s TV is blaring, or they are flipping through Social Media? That is your brain telling you it’s on sensory overload.

This is not just a mental thing. Sensory overload affects us physically as well. When our senses get overwhelmed, our stress levels shoot up, and our bodies become tense, as if at any moment we’re going to be called into the Dentist’s office. This also affects our sleep, causing the cascade of other problems that arise with sleep deprivation. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Sensory self-care is the hero we didn’t know we needed.

Let’s Talk About the Benefits

Now, let’s flip the script. What perks do you get when you engage in sensory self-care?

  1. Better Sleep: You guessed it! Giving your senses a much-needed break, and your body and mind (and maybe your partner) will thank you. I can’t stress enough the importance of a good night’s sleep.
  2. Mood Boost: Well, better sleep and improved mood go hand-in-hand, but this is in addition to that. Ever notice how your whole attitude can improve when you smell something you love? That’s the power of sensory happiness.
  3. Increased Focus: This feels like it goes without saying, but let’s say it anyway. When you reduce the background ‘noise’ your brain can actually concentrate. It’s like magic, but better, it’s biology.
  4. Lower Stress Levels: Sensory overload can activate your “fight or flight” mode, and can keep you in a state of acute stress response. Taking time for the self-care you need can give your inner alarm system a break. Making you calmer, and less frazzled.
Photo of a person of diverse gender with a headscarf, sitting by a calm lake, reflecting the mountains and sky. Their gaze is fixed on the still water, and their posture suggests deep contemplation, surrounded by the peaceful sounds of nature.

The Simple Joys of the Senses(No Remote Mountain Cabins Needed!)

Now I’m not saying that a spa weekend or a quiet mountain retreat aren’t good things to do (I mean, sign me up!). But there are simpler, everyday ways to give your senses the tender love and care they deserve. Let’s dig deeper into each sense and discover ways to nourish them daily:

  1. Sight:
  • Why It’s Important: Sight allows us to perceive color, motion, and depth. It’s the primary way most of us navigate our world.
  • Creating Calm: Create a visually calming space. Try things like gazing at a fish tank, coloring mandalas, or simply watching leaves rustle in the wind, whatever pleases your vision. And for the love of your eyes, take frequent screen breaks! (Your peepers will thank you.)
A well-lit aquarium with a variety of small, brightly colored fish, swimming in between green plants above brown driftwood. The bottom is covered in beige sand with smooth stones of various sizes and colors. The aquarium is sitting on a wooden table in front of an open window with light and green trees visible. The window is framed on either side by soft white curtains.

2. Sound:

  • Why It’s Important: Sound informs us about our environment. From a honking horn to a bird’s chirp, for most of us, it’s crucial for communication and awareness.
  • Harmonic Haven: Listen to calming music or nature sounds. Apps today offer a vast array of choices. From waterfalls to purring cats — take your pick! (My personal favorite is “bettersleep” previously known as “Relax Melodies”) Also, embrace the power of silence. Invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones or just some earplugs. Even a few minutes in a quiet space can be rejuvenating.
Photo of vintage headphones hanging from a tree branch, with the lush forest setting behind. The foliage is dense, with various shades of green, and a distant waterfall creates a soothing ambiance.

3. Touch:

  • Why It’s Important: Touch is our connection to the physical world. It’s grounding. It’s about comfort, intimacy, and understanding our surroundings.
  • Texture Exploration: Surround yourself with varied textures that you enjoy. From soft blankets, to cool ceramic mugs, let your skin explore. I personally love to take a break from writing just to pet my dogs. One of which is usually my ever-present lap companion.
Photo of a curated display of various textured items on a dark marble backdrop. The collection comprises a fluffy feather, a shiny metal chain, a piece of tree bark, a silky ribbon, and a beaded necklace.

4. Taste:

  • Why It’s Important: Beyond survival, taste is all about pleasure. It’s the gateway to diverse cultures and experiences.
  • Mindful Munching: Don’t just eat, slow down and savor your food. (Yes, even that hurried breakfast toast.) Explore new cuisines, brew a fresh tea, or even learn to cook a new dish. Engage with every flavor and taste every ingredient.
Photo of a dining setting for one person, showcasing a fusion of global cuisines. On a ceramic plate, there’s a piece of sushi, a scoop of Italian risotto, a dollop of Greek tzatziki, a slice of French quiche, and a mini Mexican taco. Beside the plate, there’s a glass of Spanish sangria and a set of chopsticks.

5. Smell:

  • Why It’s Important: Smell evokes memories, alerts us to dangers (like fire), and adds a dimension to our experiences like no other sense.
  • Aroma Adventures: Aromatherapy, folks! Whether it’s scented candles, essential oils, or just the aroma of freshly baked bread (yum!), indulging your nose can be incredibly calming. I personally love making new combinations in my essential oil diffuser, try to create your favorite scents!
Photo of a set of essential oils placed on a rustic table against a backdrop of plants. The amber-colored bottles contain oils like sandalwood, patchouli, geranium, jasmine, and orange. Small plants and dried flowers surround the bottles, enhancing the natural ambiance.

Make It Personal (Because You’re Worth It)

Here’s the fun part. Tailor it to YOU. If you’re a budding writer, create a quiet corner with soft lighting and gentle background music. If you’re into programming, how about coding to the calming sounds of nature? Maybe you’re into fitness (or you want to be). Picture this: a morning jog, with the cool breeze on your skin, the rhythmic thud of your footsteps, and the world still half asleep. Ah, perfection.

Personally, I love the sound of rain. For me, there are few things better than being inside on a crisp and rainy fall day with a comfy chair, a sleepy dog, a warm drink, and a good book.

Don’t let anyone define your sensory self-care. What works for one might not work for another.

Four Steps to Sensory Bliss

Alright, you’re all in! (I knew I could count on you!) So, how do you get started? Here are three foolproof steps:

  1. Recognize: This is a two-part step.
  • First, start by identifying what overwhelms your senses. Is it the glaring screen? The endless chatter? Pinpoint the culprits.
  • Second, think about what soothes your senses. After all, it’s not just about removing negative sensations, it’s about adding positive ones. Do you enjoy the smell of Lavender? Or the feel of fresh laundry? Explore and discover!

2. Experiment: Try different sensory experiences. Listen to various soundscapes, taste different foods mindfully, or set up a visual corner in your room.

3. Plan: Once you know what works for you, make it a part if your daily routine. Maybe you start your day with a calming cup of chamomile tea, or you wind down by listening to ocean waves. Dedicate some time each day to sensory self-care. Even if it’s just 5 minutes, trust me, it counts.

4. Engage: Dive in. Explore. Play around with textures, sounds, and smells. And most importantly, enjoy every moment.

Don’t forget to rotate between the senses! Today it might be a sound break, and tomorrow, a taste adventure. Have fun with it!

Onwards and Upwards!

The best way to achieve your goals is to take small steps consistently. Just like how eating one salad won’t make you fit, practicing sensory self-care once in a blue moon won’t make a difference. It’s a journey. A delicious, indulgent, sensory-rich journey.

In the grand hustle of life, remember that taking care of your senses isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity. So, here’s my challenge to you: start today. Whether you choose to indulge in the aroma of your morning coffee a tad longer or take a quiet walk in the park, give your senses the love they deserve.

After all, life’s too short for sensory overload. Let’s create pockets of sensory joy, one sense at a time. Ready to embark on this adventure? Of course, you are! 🌟

Till next time, sensory superheroes! 🚀🌈

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Jasen Lynch

I'm an Executive Function Coach, specializing in empowering individuals to master key life skills, and improve their lives overall.