Joe A. Simmons
4 min readAug 18, 2019


Melissa: Joe welcome back to another Episode of Money Mental Messengers.

Joe: Melissa, thanks it is good to be back on Money Mental Messengers.

Melissa: We were supposed to discuss Money Mentality Enterprises on this episode.

Joe: Yes, we were supposed to discuss Money Mental Enterprises based on episode 1. However, after our discussion prior to this episode that I thought it was more appropriate to discuss MAD Money first. Since MAD Money is the genesis to all of this. MAD Money was the foundation for Money Mentality and now this show Money Mental Messengers.

Melissa: Perfect. So, tell the audience what exactly is MAD Money or how did MAD Money originate?

Joe: Sure. MAD Money is a book that I published in February 2019 based on principles to make more money in half the time and half the stress. I also outline some of my mistakes and personal trials in the book.

Melissa: How is MAD Money different that all the other financial books in the marketplace?

Joe: I will talk about the differences first, then how MAD Money came about, and the 3 major financial mindsets that the principles are based on.

Melissa: Sounds great. Ladies and gentlemen get ready to take a ride with Joe as enter the MAD Money universe. Proceed when you are ready.

Joe: Ok. Here we go.

Joe continues

MAD Money

Joe: The differences. MAD Money is different than other books in which it talks about the foundational principles that create millionaires and billionaires. I am shocked that a book like this was not previous written. I am honored and privileged to have written and published this book. These foundation financial principles are practiced every day. The readers and listeners of this show maybe be aware of the principles but when the principles are executed effectively or compounded together magic results can be produced.

Melissa: Can your book really make such a bold statement to say that the foundational principles create millionaires and billionaires?

Joe: I know this a bold statement to make but yes. I will talk more about that later in the journey we are going to take today.

Melissa: Why do you think a book like MAD Money was not previous written?

Joe: Three reasons: To keep the knowledge hidden, No commitment or strong incentive to written, all principles not revealed consciously.

Melissa: Elaborate on those reasons. Do you think rich or successful people would keep certain financial information hidden from the masses?

Joe: I will ask you a question first and then validate my previous statement. Do rich and successful people know things that the average person doesn’t?

Melissa: Well of course.

Joe: Do you know things that other don’t know?

Melissa: Yes, I do.

Joe: Why don’t you share what you know with the masses?

Melissa: Somethings are not for everybody.

Joe: My point exactly. That is how rich and successful people think.

Melissa: But personal finances is different.

Joe: Not to them.

Melissa: I don’t see why.

Joe: 2 reasons competition and scarcity.

Melissa: Really competition and scarcity? They already know how to make money.

Joe: Yes, that maybe true but that is how they arrived that their current financial status in life.

Melissa: Explain.

Joe: Some rich and successful people had information or thoughts about their industry differently which allowed for different actions and results. We live in an abundant global economy but not everyone shares that sentiment.

Melissa: Competition maybe I can understand but scarcity; makes no sense to me.

Melissa: Everybody competes in different markets and industries. Not only that you can only spend so much money unless you are completely reckless.

Large Amounts of Money

Joe: We all know and have seen celebrities, rich, and wealthy people blow large amounts of money. The principles are the same no matter the industry.

Melissa: What about no commitment or strong incentive?

Joe: Why should rich and successful people be committed to teaching or sharing with other how they created or accumulated their wealth?

Melissa: Because it is the right thing to do. Not everyone is in competition. Some just want to be able to have a good life and take care of their everyday financial obligations.

Joe: Right thing to do? According to who? They believe they are committed to figuring it out and so should everyone else. The other thing is the incentive, the rich and successful people that they have earned their money to enjoy the lifestyle that they seek. Teaching and sharing with others will take away from time they could be enjoying recreational activities.



Joe A. Simmons

I am a writer, Author of M.A.D Money: 12 Foundational Principles To Make More Money In Half The Time in Half The Stress, and Business Strategist