Blogging Careers viaENS- Turn your Part Time Passion into Full Time Profession

Jasleen Kour
5 min readOct 24, 2017


How are you preparing for your job interviews?

If the answer is “Attending crash courses in tuition centers, burning money”, well then you might want to reconsider your preparation because outstanding the long queues of potential employees with a double page resume and the outdated knowledge through conventional lectures is not easy.

Worry not! No more fixing that tie around your neck to impress the recruiters for you don’t need to fit in, you have to stand out.

Lean in, let me tell you a secret.

Start a Blog”.

Your idea about Blogging might be a young boy, with spiky hair, blabbering about the last date he went on ‘BUT’ blogging is actually a science in itself (not rocket science, though)

Why should I start a Blog?

While backing yourself with a pillow, sitting in the comfort of your pyjamas along with a laptop on your lap you can actually increase your credibility and reach billions of people that use internet. Best part? Your blog will give you results proportional to how seriously you take it.

With viaENS, you just have to submit a request for domain registration in the Support Centre and sit back; your blog along with all the managed services will be delivered to you after which you just have to focus on your content while the dedicated team at viaENS will manage all the technical intricacies of it.

viaENS is a Community Building Business Platform that aims to accelerate Entrepreneurship by leveraging the power of technology. They have been on the digital map since 2014 and provide fully Managed WordPress Services like Website Development, Management, Servers Setup, tools, required software and Automatic updates etc to make Blogging easier by managing the technical end so that the Blogger can focus more on the quality of his/her content.

viaENS is a Community Building Business Platform that aims to accelerate Entrepreneurship

You can check out my blogs if you are still searching for reasons for ‘Why should I start a blog’-

How to Start a Blog?

Select a niche you are passionate about and roll it on your blog. Start writing about what you love. You can start a dance blog, a travel blog, a poetry blog, a photography blog or if you are a food or fashion critic you can become a food blogger or a fashion blogger.

But if you are serious about blogging, you can turn your passion into a full time profession.

Here are 5 steps you need to consider before you take up Blogging as a full time career-

  1. Know your Blog and create a map-
Strategize before Starting a Blog

Be the Sherlock of your Blog. Before plunging directly into action, have a plan for your blog and before publishing an article, visualize and then strategize. Select a particular niche you are passionate about and conduct a thorough research on the topic before constructing a blog so that it does complete justice to the reader’s time. You should know who your customer is and what problem you are going to address with your blog. The more you narrow down, the better your reader will connect with your content. Finish your first article and hit the publish button. What did you lose? Nothing.

2. Make Your Blog Stand Out-

Start Networking with other Bloggers

Blogging is not only about writing, it is a way of connecting with readers, but making your blog stand out in the blogosphere requires a lot of black coffee and some smart work. Focus on getting your blog noticed. Use your blog as a tool to network with other bloggers, attend blogger’s meet, host your blog centric events and start participating in social networking events offline while online start giving backlinks, start writing guest posts, try getting featured etc to expand your horizons as well as your blog.

3. Create original & Interactive Content-

Create Interactive Content

Blogs aren’t all about words, you have to bring more on the table. Create interactive blogs in the form of infographics, use an appealing layout, high-quality visuals, and creative content. Try creating your own videos, start posting original images, create your own infographics etc. viaENS provides step by step, easy to understand training modules that are made in accordance to the Global Industry standards to make blogging even more fun and rewarding.

If you run a travel blog, post the images of your latest trip or if you run a food blog, share the video of your recent recipe for originality and credibility of your blog.

4. Choose the modes of Monetization-

On the first day of starting a blog, people get high on concerns as to how money is to be generated. Other questions that follow are,” Is it by displaying those annoying ads?” or “What are the other modes to generate revenue?” Never start a blog with an intention to earn some quick bucks instead initially focus more on generating a steady traffic and posting optimized and quality content. After that you can place ad banners, run campaigns for companies, use affiliate marketing, use Google AdSense, directly sell products to your customers, write sponsored articles etc to generate a passive income.

5. Take Charge & Market your Blog-

Market your Blog

Social media is your best friend when it comes to marketing your blog. Why? Because it’s instant, it’s effective and it’s used by the masses. It is an important marketing tool and a guaranteed way to reach the right people fast. To become a successful blogger you have to learn basics of marketing. viaENS practically delivers your brand new Blog with everything installed, so that your Content can find the best methods to reach people. You can use your social media platforms to market your blog, be consistent with posting high quality and relevant content on your social channels, generate a steady traffic and there you go, with a blog of your own.

Blogging is emerging as a full-time career option and you can actually generate a good income if you do it seriously. Well the good news is that starting a blog involves low risk and in the longer run it may yield high rewards. It’s time to get hands on the power of internet and kick start your career.



Jasleen Kour

Brand Manager| Content manager| Motivational Speaker| Social Media Manager| Poetess| Editor| Activist| Blogger| Words Khaleesi