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My Writer’s Odyssey and my Journey as a Blogger and Author. From VIP blogger to author of children’s books.

Jasmin Secic
4 min readOct 3, 2023

Every writer’s story is a unique tapestry woven from a passion for words and a relentless pursuit of self-expression. In this narrative, I invite you to journey alongside me as I unveil the chapters of my life as a writer. From discovering my innate talent for storytelling at an early age to becoming a seasoned blogger and author, this is my story — about me.

My Writer’s Odyssey and my Journey as a Blogger and Author
My Writer’s Odyssey and my Journey as a Blogger and Author

My journey into the world of writing began with the whispered secrets of imagination and the joy of putting pen to paper. From the moment I could form words, I had a love affair with language. The stories I penned as a child were not merely scribbles but the fledgling verses of a writer in the making.

Eighteen years ago, I embarked on a digital adventure that would forever shape my identity as a writer: I became a blogger. My blogging odyssey began with the intention to share my thoughts and experiences with the world, but it soon evolved into something more profound. The digital landscape provided me with a canvas to paint narratives that touched hearts, provoked thought, and spurred conversation.

From personal musings that resonated with kindred spirits to corporate blogs that informed and engaged readers, I explored the vast spectrum of human experiences through the written word. Each blog post was a brushstroke, contributing to the tapestry of my evolving craft.

My Writer’s Odyssey and my Journey as a Blogger and Author
My Writer’s Odyssey and my Journey as a Blogger and Author

However, my journey did not stop at the boundaries of the blogosphere. It took a leap into the realm of traditional publishing. I became an author of books — captivating worlds and hearts with carefully crafted narratives.

What distinguishes my authorial journey is the unwavering commitment to literature that makes a difference. My focus shifted to creating books for children that impart life’s most valuable lesson: respect for others, especially those who differ from us. In today’s world, where inclusivity and acceptance are of paramount importance, my books are my voice, my instrument for change.

Teaching the Young — The Power of Respect

My children’s books are not mere stories; they are vessels of wisdom and enlightenment. These tales teach children the profound art of respect — respect for diversity, respect for friendship, and respect for the beauty of our world’s many facets. Through themes of empathy, tolerance, and unity, I endeavor to shape young minds into compassionate, open-hearted individuals.

And at the and, my writer’s odyssey, adorned with words and narratives, has been a journey of profound impact and unwavering dedication. From discovering my early talent for storytelling to becoming an influential blogger and author, my words have left their mark on readers’ hearts and minds.

Jasmin Secic best Amazon author
Some of my Books

However, what defines me as a writer is my commitment to using my talents to make the world a better place. Through my children’s books promoting respect and understanding, I am sowing the seeds of tolerance and compassion in the hearts of young readers — a legacy that will continue to bear fruit for generations to come.

In a world where words have the power to shape perspectives and ignite change, I stand as a testament to the transformative potential of literature. My journey is a reminder that each of us has the capacity to make a meaningful impact through the written word, and my dedication to teaching children the importance of respect is a beacon of hope for a brighter, more inclusive future. This is my story — about me, the writer, the advocate, the storyteller.

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Jasmin Secic

Writer and blogger | I write mainly about the phenomena of today's time, and respect for others and those different from us. I am an author of children's books.