If someone doesn’t know a fact before expressing an opinion, it doesn’t matter.

The Era of Uninformed Opinions — Why Facts Matter More Than Ever 👇

Jasmin Secic
3 min readOct 12, 2023

In today’s digital age, the rise of social media has given everyone a platform to express their opinions and thoughts. While this newfound freedom of expression is empowering, it has also led to an alarming trend: the prevalence of uninformed opinions. More and more people confidently comment on a wide range of topics without possessing the basic knowledge and understanding required. In this article, we’ll explore the consequences of this trend and why facts matter more than ever in the age of uninformed opinions.

The rapid exchange of information on social media can create the illusion of expertise. People often mistake the ability to access information for true understanding. The ease of a Google search or browsing Wikipedia can provide a semblance of knowledge, leading individuals to believe they are well-informed on a topic. This overconfidence can result in uninformed opinions being shared with conviction.


Social media platforms often create echo chambers where individuals are exposed to opinions and information that align with their existing beliefs. This reinforcement of preconceived notions can lead people to confidently express opinions without considering alternative perspectives or examining facts critically. Confirmation bias plays a significant role in this process, as people tend to seek out information that supports their existing views.

Uninformed opinions can lead to the rapid spread of misinformation. In an age where viral content can gain traction within seconds, the consequences of false or uninformed information can be severe. Misinformation can shape public opinion, influence decisions, and even impact critical issues like public health and politics.

Informed debates and discussions are essential for a healthy society. However, uninformed opinions can lead to superficial, polarized conversations that lack depth and nuance. Meaningful discourse is replaced by shouting matches, with little room for compromise or understanding.


To address the issue of uninformed opinions, media literacy and fact-checking must be promoted and taught. Individuals need to learn how to evaluate the credibility of sources, cross-check information, and differentiate between opinion and fact. Fact-checking initiatives can help correct the spread of false information.

In an era where everyone has a platform to voice their opinions, the importance of facts cannot be overstated. Uninformed opinions, while a byproduct of the digital age, can have far-reaching consequences. It is crucial to recognize that expressing an opinion without basic knowledge and understanding can perpetuate misinformation, hinder constructive discourse, and undermine the pursuit of truth. As responsible digital citizens, we must strive to be informed, critical thinkers, valuing facts as the foundation of well-rounded, thoughtful opinions. It’s in this commitment to knowledge that we can truly harness the potential of the digital age for the greater good.



Jasmin Secic

Writer and blogger | I write mainly about the phenomena of today's time, and respect for others and those different from us. I am an author of children's books.