Teacher — The greatest authority ever

Out of all the people in my life who taught me something, on official or other duty, the teacher left the biggest impression on me and without any competition.

Jasmin Secic
2 min readSep 23, 2023
best teacher in the world

After that, I was taught by many people and many things during high school, college, postgraduate studies, and various other educations that I willingly or unwillingly received in the meantime. However, such an impression did not appear anywhere near that again.


Probably, and I would say certainly because the difference in knowledge was the biggest. Hence the total authority she had with me and my school friends.

It seems to me that I still have that attitude towards people today. I appreciate the most and those who leave the strongest impression on me are those from whom I can hear or learn something that broadens my horizons and opens up new life perspectives. With those who have attitudes that contain individuality, selflessness, and breadth of life vision.

best teacher in the world
best teacher in the world

You can meet such people everywhere, you just need to be a little lucky.

I enjoy talking with them — whether I meet them at the university while I’m coordinating some scientific paper, at the bakers while we chat pleasantly, at the market where I’m the buyer and they’re the sellers, or in any other situation.

I feel sorry for today’s children. It seems to me that we were at an advantage in the time I’m talking about compared to today. Generations of today’s students rarely feel impressed by a teacher. Probably one of the reasons is that the acquisition of knowledge is underestimated today.

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Jasmin Secic

Writer and blogger | I write mainly about the phenomena of today's time, and respect for others and those different from us. I am an author of children's books.