Because This Is My First Life

bleh ☆
2 min readJul 11, 2024


Because This Is My First Life (2017)

What do we truly aspire to become?

At the tender age of five, we are asked to dream of what we might one day be. With our limited understanding of life, we choose.

As the years unfold, questions about the future become more complex than a simple “This or That?” or “Yes or No?”. The weight of others’ expectations upon us grows heavier.

Yet one day, unexpectedly, our once-certain choices lose their clarity.

In such moments, what do we become?

Do we become someone who merely absorbs the weight of expectations to fulfill a role?

The truth is — we need to learn how to let things flow. Life isn’t meant for us to command every moment. Some things lie within our grasp, while others slip beyond reach. Cherish what you can shape with all your heart, and cease the struggle to alter the immutable. For, like pushing a motionless car uphill, it becomes an exercise in pointlessness.

Quit drowning in a sea of expectations, for the world already burdens us with too many. Let us not stoke the flames of a fire we are powerless to quench.

Instead, take a deep, long breath. Be kind to yourself, for this is your first time living this life. This is your first time making a choice for yourself. But know, it will not be the last.

Choose to build a life you would enjoy. Do not confine yourself to a single, fixed dream shaped by expectations. There are a million stars in this galaxy —a million possibilities for a brighter future.

Stop limiting yourself with expectations. Liberate yourself and dance among the planets.

Explore and learn, for this… is your first life.

