How I was selected to do the internship in KBRI Singapore (Indonesia Embassy in Singapore) — Part 1

Jasmine Alya Pramesthi
5 min readSep 17, 2019


Hi guys! So this is my first story ever in this platform, I really hope this will answered all the questions about my past great internship experience at Indonesia Embassy in Singapore. But before I start this story… Yes. I am a communication student and I had the internship at Embassy, and It is possible if you’re not from International Relation major to be an intern here, because Indonesia Embassy in Singapore open the opportunity for all majors to have internship experience as long as you want to learn! Fyi, Indonesia Embassy in Singapore is the biggest Indonesia Embassy, and they have they’re own function for Domestic Workers Matters calls Perlindungan Warga Negara Indonesia (PWNI) to take care of Domestic Workers in Singapore while the Domestic Workers Matters in others Indonesia Embassy are managed by protocol function. And gladly I was in PWNI function.

I could say that this internship experience was such a blessing for me, I was dreaming to get this opportunity since I was in high school. Why I choose Indonesia Embassy in Singapore to be my internship destination among all the Indonesia Embassy? I love their regulation, culture, and how they manage their country well, and I really suit into their daily life.

In December 2018, I emailed to ask about their requirements. Based on the email I receive, if you want to apply you need to prepare some documents that all written in english and pdf format like:

1. CV (complete with latest photo), I think on this one you need to give attention the most. Please fulfil your CV with your greatest experience while you’re in freshman and senior year in University, one or two page maximum is okay. Please do not forget to complete the CV with your latest photo, impress them with your great achievement!

2. Cover letter, or you can call it motivation letter. Write down like your education background, why you want to apply this internship, what the simple thing you know about this Embassy, how were you doing as a student, and things to convince them.

3. University transcript, please attach your latest score transcript. If you are in 6th semester, then you need to sent the full transcript to 5th semester.

4. Reference letter from your university (att to Koodinator Fungsi Pensosbud), you can ask to your lecturer to ask you as the recommendation to the Koordinator Fungsi Pensosbud to do the internship. I asked my head of communication department to signed the letter. Remember! The reference letter (known as recommendation letter) is different with apply letter that issued by academic service. You need to be spesific why Koordinator Fungsi Pensosbud need to accept you to be intern, what are your specialities among all the students. Because if you sent the apply letter from academic services, it will be generally for internship by students in your university, not specifically you.

Oh ya, they add some information that

  1. You need to indicate the internship period on your body email, cover letter, and reference letter. Usually the semester break anually hold on May until August, that’s why I told you that you need to give attention to the documents because Internship in the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia is not based on first-come-first-serve basis, they do carefully look through all the applicants document. I red the articles wrote that some of the applicants accepted by their availability and their first come first serve, maybe the Embassy has changed the regulation.
  2. If you are accepted to do an internship in KBRI Singapura, the length of internship will be within one month, because Singapore visa is valid 30 days from the day you enter Singapore. Therefore, for example, if you enter Singapore on 11 April, you have to leave by 10 May to avoid issue with the Immigration Office.
  3. The most important one you need to take note that all expenses, including return ticket to/from Singapore, visa, house rental, transportation, meal, personal expenses and other similar expenses shall be borne by you. So yes guys, this is an unpaid internship.

After I completed all the requirements, I was immediately sent all the requirements on 3 January 2019 to apply my internship period on Mei ‘till August 2019 (I was on my semester break so I give them choice to put me on one of these months). Couple hours after I apply, I got an email that I was registered as applicant.

Dear Jasmine,

Thank you for your interest in joining Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia for Singapore.
We had received your application and will get back to you as soon as possible if you’re selected.

Thank you!

I couldn’t handle all the tense to wait for the announcement, it was quite long until I got my acceptance on 24th April 2019

Congratulations, you are selected to do the internship in the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Singapore!

Your period of internship will be Monday, 3rd June 2019 to Friday, 28th June 2019.

In the email, they remind me to make sure that do not exceed 30 days from my entry to Singapore. Beside that, they informed what should I bring for the internship and we required to write a weekly report and maybe some other report according to the department we were allocated to. The ‘official’ working hour at the Embassy is from 9:00am to 5:30pm with a break from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. But because I was allocated in PWNI function (public service) so I need to arrive the Embassy earlier. By the end of internship, Embassy gave me a Certificate of Completion, signed by and given directly from the Ambassador.

So thats all my journey to get a Yes from Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore. For the next several parts; my internship activity and living cost I will write them all here. If you need several information that haven’t written here, feels free to contact me on LinkedIn.



Jasmine Alya Pramesthi

Marketing communication fresh graduate yet a part time thinker who tries to write things here.