Five Must-Read Statistics Books to Become a Successful Data Analyst

Jasmine Joe
3 min readJul 15, 2019


Statistics, the most crucial branch of science, is often taught in a bottom-up, theory first manner which makes it extremely difficult for students to grasp the intricacies. Many students struggle to compose their assignments on percentiles, quarreler or sample theories and ask for Statistics homework help from the experts.

It’s ok to fall back on the professional tutors once in a while, but it is advisable to refrain from making it a habit. A Statistics homework helper will surely guide you with your assignments, but ideally, you must learn to handle those tricky derivations on your own. To ease your worries, the experts have compiled a list of five essential books that are of paramount importance for any statistician.

If you are looking for a one-shoe-fits-all answer to your data science questions, let’s burst the bubble, you won’t find it. You will need to invest sufficient amount of time with each of them to become a pro in applied statistics. Expert Stats homework helpers recommend you to start with one and read it thoroughly before proceeding with the next one.

So let’s get started.

1. Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan

This book can be a lifesaver for the beginners. In this book, Wheelan clarifies the essential concepts like inference, correlation and regression analysis without indulging in any arcane or technical details. He focuses on the underlying intuitions that drive statistical analysis.

2. The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail — but Some Don’t by Nate Silver

This groundbreaking work of Silver investigates the possibilities of distinguishing a true signal from the universe of noisy data. He discusses the prediction paradox and attempts to elaborate on the factors that help us to improve the chances of making accurate predictions.

3. All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference by Larry Wasserman

Want to learn about non-parametric curve estimation, bootstrapping and classification? Make the learning process easier with this book by Larry Wasserman. However, the book is written with a presupposition that the reader is acquainted with basic calculus and a little linear algebra.

4. Statistics in Plain English by Timothy C. Urdan

This is an introductory textbook and helps you to gain a better understanding of the fundamental statistical functions and the methods to interpret them correctly. This book takes you through the basic level statistics (central tendency and describing distributions) and gradually introduces you to more advanced concepts (t-tests, regression, repeated measures ANOVA, and factor analysis).

5. Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts by Peter Bruce and Andrew Bruce (Author)

This practical guide by Peter and Andrew Bruce will serve as the best Stats homework help, if you are looking for a book that covers all the essential statistics topics from a data science perspective. It gives you advice on the most important concepts and talks about the unimportant ones.

The experts who provide Statistics homework help highly recommend students to have a firm grasp of each of these books on Statistics. It will help you to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the core concepts that will help you to handle the data structures accurately. However, Statistics is majorly an applied field of science. It will be essential to practice the codes and every key concept to excel in your academic assignment assistance and homework.



Jasmine Joe

Hi guys. Nice to meet all of you. I’m Jasmine Joe a writer in popular service.