Happiness IS a Choice

Jasmine Lové
2 min readFeb 6, 2019


For years, I never used to understand it when people said things like “happiness is a choice”. But in the last couple of years, I have learned how completely true that statement is. Happiness is a choice.

Choosing to be “happy” or even “content” does not mean you’re also choosing to “settle” in life for where you currently are or what you have. You can still pursue your dreams, have goals, and accomplish things. Part of choosing to be happy is how you allow certain situations or people to affect you. It’s also about how you choose to react—mentally and physically.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve read a lot of books (including my own past diaries) that helped me arrive to this state of mind. Reading and tuning into myself more often has helped me understand a lot of things better, including how to be happy no matter what, and how to stress much less.

It’s your internal mind that you have to tune to the right channel. You can’t always control what happens to or for you, but you CAN control yourself and how you choose to feel about those things.

I feel like certain things that we see as negative will continue to happen “to” us until we learn from that situation. It’s just like the adage: “If you continue to do the same things, you’ll continue to get the same results”.

If something “bad” is happening in your personal life, over and over again, then YOU need to find out what that circumstance is there to teach you. Then you need to choose to LEARN from it and move forward in a different direction. Simple as that. Make a different choice. Choose to add/remove things or people from your life to change and improve that particular repeating situation.

This is YOUR life and only you can live it for yourself. No one else can live your life, therefore, YOU get to choose how it goes. Live your life on your terms.

Spend time with yourself and figure out what makes you happy, then put more of that in your life.

Some ways to figure out what makes you happy include learning more about yourself, learning from your mistakes (then choosing to change your actions/attitude), and learning from other people’s mistakes. Another way is to try new things. Go out and explore shit.

If you truly believe that you only have this one life, then why not live it happily?

