Jasmine Lockhart
2 min readJan 6, 2018


When i see you

And all your beauty

That you are trying to hide

Because you are scared of your greatness

I just wanna squeeze it

And pull it right out of you

It is almost to the surface

But can never be found

It is so beautiful

I wish i could rap all my love around you

And just tell you over and over


How beautiful you are


You deserve to shine your beauty

Don’t hold it back

Be brave

Be bold

You are so so so so worth it

I love you

I love you

I love you

You deserve to be comfortable in your own skin

And to shine endlessly

You are amazing

You are relentless

You are powerful

You have the power

Don’t hold yourself back

For fucking anybody

It is not worth shit

Holding your greatness inside

Let it out

Scream on a hilltop

Scream at the motherfucker

Who mistreats you

You don’t deserve that

Smile with all your might

But don’t fake a smile

If all you feel like doing

Is punching a wall

Fuck the motherfuckers

Who fuck with you

They aren’t worth your time

If they don’t realize your greatness

Oh honey

You are so goddamn beautiful

I can’t even begin to explain

Keep shining

Don’t let any motherfucker

Make you feel small

Don’t let any fucker tell you what to do

You are the one to make that choice

You do not take others orders

You take your own

You are on your own terms

Taking care of yourself

Is NOT selfish

If someone tells you to be more kind to others

Ask them if they are being kind to themselves

Because that is the most important thing

Don’t let anyone tell you different

You matter

You are enough

You deserve to feel pleasure

You deserve to make your own choices

You deserve to have fun

Before using the drinks or the drugs

Don’t keep that freedom weighted down baby

It will only get heavier

You are too precious

For all your awesomeness to go to waste

So fuck the fuckers

Who make you feel like shit and drag you


Fuck the mother fucker in your head

That tells you

You are a piece of shit

That is not you

That is an organ in your body

Trying to manipulate the fuck out of you

And tell you lies

That motherfucker sucks

Just feel how things are going

And that’s how you know

If things

Are where they need to be at

You fucking rock sista

I love ya


Your fellow sista

