I Broke Up With Him And Now He Won’t Take Me Back: How To Get Your Ex Back When You Broke Up With Him

Jasmine Norah
7 min readDec 11, 2019


Photo by Christiana Rivers on Unsplash

I broke up with him and now he won’t take me back — How to get your ex back when you broke up with him.

There are many reasons why your ex wont take you back but one of the most common causes for an ex’s refusal to talk to you and reconsider a break up is the lack of understanding on your part.

Reasons Why Your Ex Won’t Take You Back
More often than not a break up will see both partners going through a wave of emotions. With both partners pulling in opposite directions to get what they want, it’s next to impossible to take to consider what your partner is going through by putting yourself in their shoes.

During the course of a break up people might find themselves behaving out of character, having said and done things that they may now regret, this is very common. In sheer desperation to hold onto you ex you have probably promised everything to your ex if they “give you just one more chance”.

Regardless of the reason of the break up, the problems that lead to your ex dumping you can not be fixed with promises of change, wishful thinking and trying to convince your ex that “this time things will be different”.

Chances are this is the exact reason why your ex wont take you back and believe what you are telling them. First you must know what lead to your break up and why, simply stating that “things will change” will do little to convince your ex that your relationship can be saved.

Your ex does not believe that you understand the true nature of the problems of your relationship and the urgent attention it requires. Simply stating things will change without a plan will infuriate your ex.

The best tips I can provide you to turn things around and get your ex to take you back and believe that your relationship can be mended is to do the complete opposite of what your heart is telling you right now.

Tip To Get Back Together After A Break Up

-Agree with the break up and understand that your relationship can not continue the way it ended.
- Respect your ex and their decision to end the relationship.
- Understand what went wrong and why.
- Give you and your ex some space, stop all contact with your ex.
- Turn the tables on your ex and make them feel as if they have made a huge mistake. This includes being the happy, confident and out going person your ex fall in love with, show them through actions and not words that you are the person they really want.

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If you and your boyfriend are in a difficult situation wherein you have decided to cool off because of your differences, there is a way to win him back. If you are nothing but determined to win your boyfriend back, you better start doing something before he actually decides to turn the cool off into a breakup.

Start by giving yourself a makeover.
Before presenting yourself to your boyfriend, try to do a makeover first. Put on a little make-up or fix your hair in such a way that your beautiful features are emphasized. Put on your cutest outfit, the one he gave you or the one he always compliments you in. One look at you and he would realize what exactly he is missing.

Be the one to ask him out.
After the make-over, you are now ready to see him. Ask him out to a place that you both love and where you shared your happiest moments in. This can be a nearby café or a simple diner. The important thing is that the place creates an ambience that reminds him of the happy times you’ve shared.

Do the some serious talk, but don’t shed buckets of tears.
It is crucial that you discuss the things that led you to this bad stage in your relationship. Encourage him to talk to you about everything, including the things that he does not like about you and the relationship. Open up to him as well, it is important to lay the cards on the table.

Tell him you want him back.
After the much needed discussion, tell him you want him back. Tell him that you are crazy about him and that you will do anything to get back the time when you were both happy. Telling him you want him back is not difficult, especially if there is nothing in the world you would want more than this.

This time would be different.
The things of the past will stay in the past and assure him that this time around, things will be better. Once you both know what is wrong in the relationship, you will be able to stop these things from happening again.

Doing things of the past.
What you both should avoid are the negative things that you’ve done in the past. You can use the past, however, to remind him of the fun times you’ve had. You can suggest that you still can do the same things that you both enjoyed and that brought you two together.

Understand him, be patient.
If he does not want the same things as you, this does not mean that you have to give up easily. You have to let him know that you are willing to try anything to win him back. Your persistence will make him realize how much you mean to him. He will soon forget about your shortcomings and will give your relationship another chance.

What can you do to get your ex boyfriend back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy? To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply click here!

Have you broken up with your boyfriend or girlfriend and desperately want him/her back? Many of those who are left heartbroken, find themselves begging to their ex to give them a second chance. But the truth is, that exactly ruins your chance of trying to win his/her heart back.

Though that might probably be a normal initial response, there are better and smarter ways to do that. And the very first part of it is trying to get your ex notice you again. Here are seven easy ways to do that:

1. Try to calm yourself first. Let your ex see that you have accepted the breakup. In that way it will make them wonder how you are doing and it also gives them a chance to miss you. Chasing him around definitely won’t help. It will just make him/her avoid you all the more.

2. Don’t send any text messages or emails to your ex. Remember the first step? As much as possible don’t give him any hints that you’re desperate in wanting him/her back.

3. Make sure you look good all the time. Some days you’re going to bump into your ex. And when that day happens, you want to make the perfect impression that you can possibly give. Wear sexy clothes and feel sexy. That way, he/she is going to wonder why the hell he/she ever let you go.

4. Be confident. Always flash a confident smile and remind him/her the qualities that got him/her attracted to you in the first place.

5. Try to act as if you didn’t notice him/her. It’s kind of a reverse psychology. Have you ever noticed that when you go chasing a guy or girl you want, the more that person is going to keep away from you? But when you act uninterested, that person is gonna get curious about you all of a sudden. That is what we are trying to do here.

6. Try flirting with somebody else. This would definitely catch your ex’s attention. Let him/her see that you’re enjoying another person’s company. It’s a different thing when your ex thinks that he/she is still secured on you. It will surely make your ex jealous when he finds out that you’re ready to move on and forget him/her.

7. Be patient and don’t lose your cool. Timing is everything so don’t worry so much if you can’t directly see the effects of your plans. It may take some time so just wait for it to happen.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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