My Boyfriend Left Me For Another Woman Can I Get Him Back: He Left Me For Another Woman

Jasmine Norah
6 min readJan 3, 2020


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

My boyfriend left me for another woman can I get him back — He left me for another woman.

If your ex-boyfriend or husband recently left you for someone else, it’s easy to be despondent, and think that it’s all over. You think it’s crazy to still want him back, and to think of ways to get him back, if he’s with another woman. But there’s nothing crazy about it, if you really do wish to try to get back together with him, you just need to know what to do. Realize that most relationships get back together at least once before they truly end, and there is a reason for this. We don’t like to give up on the time and effort we’ve invested in each other, without at least giving it another try to be sure. This means that you have a very good chance of getting back together with him, it’s just that the other woman makes it a little more complicated. You will need to approach this in a different way than if he were still single, but that doesn’t make it impossible.

The first step is to find yourself again. Remember who you were back when your relationship started, you were probably much more secure, much more independent, and more of your own person. You are going to need to find that person again. That was the woman that your man fell in love with, and stuck it out with. Now is the time to reclaim what you’ve lost.

Once you have done that, it’s time to establish yourself in his life again. Obviously, not as his girlfriend or lover, but you need to find a way to be a friend and trusted partner. You were together before, so hopefully you were friends and partners at one point. There are lots of people who will tell you not to try to be his friend, and that kind of advice does have its place, but at the moment, you can’t be anything else. Trying to woo him back immediately will be obvious, and will hurt your own self-esteem, and possibly the opinion of you by others. Plus, once you win him back, you don’t want anyone else doing it to you.

The trickiest part is how to handle yourself if you come in contact with the other woman. At this point, you are probably back in his life as a friend, and she’s probably very concerned or downright paranoid about it. When you are with him, you are better off not talking about her at all, don’t ask what she does better, or what she has that you don’t. You don’t want to show your jealousy, you are his friend now, remember? You want to be a positive in his life, so avoid anything negative. Be his friend, and don’t be a cause of stress or friction in his life. If this new relationship ends, you want to be sure that you are in the right place for him. And if being a positive part of his life, coupled with the good memories you two have from the past help speed the relationship’s end, then all the better.

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The question “How can I make my boyfriend want me again?” has been uttered by every woman who has ever had a break up.

The answer is that there is no one thing that can do the job; there are several things that can help get your ex back.

Try one or try them all and you will have him chasing after you again in no time.

I do suggest though, that you actually use each tip in the order it is listed for the best possible results.

Tip 1: Find your inner woman

Once we get into settled relationships, it is easy to let yourself go.

We shave our legs only when wearing shorts or a dress.

We neglect our hair and nails and we do not dress to impress anymore.

While it is OK to be comfortable with your man, you still need to make an effort to be pretty for him.

Your looks are what got his attention in the first place.

Tip 2: Keep yourself in his scope of vision but do not pursue him.

If he thinks that you are happy, even without him on your arm, it will drive him crazy!

The thing about a man is this; there is nothing that he finds more attractive than something that he thinks is unobtainable.

So, allowing him to believe that you are just fine, maybe better off, without him as your boyfriend, he will stop at nothing to get you back.

This is what you want of course. Keep reading and follow the next tip as well.

This will really ensure that you get what you want.

Tip 3: Play hard to get

Even though you came here asking “How can I get my boyfriend to want me?” once he sees that you are moving on, you should play hard to get.

Some people may say that this is counterproductive. Why not go back as soon as he wants you again?

The reason you do not want to do this is because you do not want to give up all the power you have over him…at least not yet.

By making him work for your affections he will appreciate you more once you do take him back.

Tip 4: Lay down the law

When you do decide to give him another chance, lay down the law before committing to anything.

Let him know that since you two broke up you have found a whole new life.

You have other priorities now and while you love him very much you are not willing to stop everything to be back with him.

You want him there but he has to accept all of you and not expect you to leave your new life behind.

Trust me, he will take anything you offer at this point and in turn, you will keep some of the relationship power.

Even more importantly, you will no longer be asking “How can I get my boyfriend want me?” because you will have a new question in mind; “How do I get my boyfriend to stop following me around like a puppy dog?”

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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